Sisicus volutasilex new species

(Figs 19, 21– 29)

Type material. HOLOTYPE: Canada: Québec: Abitibi-Ouest, Duparquet Lake [48.50 °N, 79.22 °W] 1 ɗ 25.xii. 1994 – 08.i. 1995, winter pitfall, poplar forest, P. Paquin & N. Dupérré (AMNH); ALLOTYPE: 1 Ψ, same data as holotype; PARATYPES: Canada: Québec: Abitibi-Ouest, Duparquet Lake [48.50 °N, 79.22 °W] 4 Ψ 01.xi.–08.xii. 1993, winter pitfall, mixed forest, P. Paquin & N. Dupérré (AMNH); Abitibi-Ouest, Duparquet Lake [48.50 °N, 79.22 °W] 15 ɗ 1 Ψ 19.ii.–02.iv. 1995, winter pitfall, poplar & mixed forest, P. Paquin & N. Dupérré (CPAD).

Material examined. Canada: Alberta: Edmonton [53.53 °N, 113.49 °W] 1 Ψ 08.v. 1959, marshy area, soil sample of Labrador tea & moss humus, L. K. Smith (CNC); Newfoundland: Purbeck’s Cove [49.75 °N, 56.° 65 ’W] 1 ɗ 19.vii. 1984, under bark, dead log, L.H. Hollett (CNC); Québec: Abitibi-Ouest, Duparquet Lake [48.50 °N, 79.22 °W] 3 Ψ 01.xi.–08.xii. 1993, winter pitfall, poplar forest, P. Paquin & N. Dupérré (CPAD); Abitibi-Ouest, Duparquet Lake [48.50 °N, 79.22 °W] 1 Ψ 01.xi.–08.xii. 1993, Malaise/flight interception trap (pan), mixed forest, P. Paquin & N. Dupérré (CPAD); Abitibi-Ouest, Duparquet Lake [48.50 °N, 79.22 °W] 1 Ψ 16.ii.–02.iii. 1994, winter pitfall, poplar forest, P. Paquin & N. Dupérré (CPAD); Abitibi-Ouest, Duparquet Lake [48.50 °N, 79.22 °W] 1 Ψ 16.– 30.iii. 1994, winter pitfall, poplar forest, P. Paquin & N. Dupérré (CPAD); Abitibi-Ouest, Duparquet Lake [48.50 °N, 79.22 °W] 2 ɗ 13.iv.– 23.iv. 1994, winter pitfall, white cedar/balsam fir & poplar forest, P. Paquin & N. Dupérré (CPAD); Abitibi-Ouest, Duparquet Lake [48.50 °N, 79.22 °W] 4 ɗ 23.iv.– 25.v. 1994, winter pitfall, white cedar/balsam fir & mixed forest, P. Paquin & N. Dupérré (CPAD); Abitibi-Ouest, Duparquet Lake [48.50 °N, 79.22 °W] 3 Ψ 1994, soil sample, white cedar/balsam fir & mixed forest, P. Paquin & N. Dupérré (CPAD); Abitibi-Ouest, Duparquet Lake [48.50 °N, 79.22 °W] 3 Ψ 03.vii.1994, 2Ψ 07.viii. 1994, soil sample, poplar forest, P. Paquin & N. Dupérré (CPAD); Abitibi-Ouest, Duparquet Lake [48.50 °N, 79.22 °W] 1 ɗ 28.viii.–03.ix. 1994, pitfall, mixed forest, P. Paquin & N. Dupérré (CPAD); Abitibi-Ouest, Duparquet Lake [48.50 °N, 79.22 °W] 4 ɗ 4 Ψ 03.ix. 1994, litter sample, poplar & mixed forest, P. Paquin & N. Dupérré (CPAD); Abitibi-Ouest, Duparquet Lake [48.50 °N, 79.22 °W] 1 ɗ 11.– 18.ix. 1994, pitfall, White Cedar/Basalm Fir, P. Paquin & N. Dupérré (CPAD); Abitibi-Ouest, Duparquet Lake [48.50 °N, 79.22 °W] 3 ɗ 7 Ψ 02.x. 1994, Malaise, pitfall & emergence cage (pan), poplar forest, P. Paquin & N. Dupérré (CPAD); Abitibi-Ouest, Duparquet Lake [48.50 °N, 79.22 °W] 1 Ψ 02.x. 1994, Malaise/flight interception trap (head), mixed forest, P. Paquin & N. Dupérré (CPAD); Abitibi-Ouest, Duparquet Lake [48.50 °N, 79.22 °W] 13 ɗ 7 Ψ 30.x.– 10.xii. 1994, winter pitfall, White Cedar/Balsam Fir, poplar & mixed forest, P. Paquin & N. Dupérré (CPAD); Abitibi-Ouest, Duparquet Lake [48.50 °N, 79.22 °W] 2 ɗ 4 Ψ 10.– 25.xii. 1994, winter pitfall, white cedar/balsam fir & mixed forest, P. Paquin & N. Dupérré (CPAD); Abitibi-Ouest, Duparquet Lake [48.50 °N, 79.22 °W] 1 ɗ 1 Ψ 25.xii.–08.i. 1995, winter pitfall, mixed forest, P. Paquin & N. Dupérré (CPAD); Abitibi-Ouest, Duparquet Lake [48.50 °N, 79.22 °W] 1 Ψ 22.i.–05.ii. 1995, winter pitfall, poplar forest, P. Paquin & N. Dupérré (CPAD); Abitibi-Ouest, Duparquet Lake [48.50 °N, 79.22 °W] 3 ɗ 1 Ψ 02.– 16.iv. 1995, winter pitfall, poplar & mixed forest, P. Paquin & N. Dupérré (CPAD); Abitibi-Ouest, Duparquet Lake [48.50 °N, 79.22 °W] 1 ɗ 16.iv.– 15.v. 1995, winter pitfall, poplar forest, P. Paquin & N. Dupérré (CPAD); Abitibi-Ouest, Duparquet Lake [48.50 °N, 79.22 °W] 1 Ψ 23.v.– 1996, pitfall, white cedar/balsam fir forest, P. Paquin & N. Dupérré (CPAD); Abitibi-Ouest, Duparquet Lake [48.50 °N, 79.22 °W] 1 Ψ, 1Ψ 13.vii.1997, 1Ψ 13.viii. 1997, soil coring, poplar forest, P. Paquin & N. Dupérré (CPAD); Abitibi-Ouest, Duparquet Lake [48.50 °N, 79.22 °W] 1 Ψ 13.viii. 1997, soil coring, white cedar/balsam fir forest, P. Paquin & N. Dupérré (CPAD); Abitibi-Ouest, Duparquet Lake [48.50 °N, 79.22 °W] 1 Ψ 22.viii. 1997, Berlese extraction of dead Birch bark, mixed forest, P. Paquin & N. Dupérré (CPAD); Abitibi-Ouest, Duparquet Lake [48.50 °N, 79.22 °W] 1 Ψ 22.viii. 1997, Berlese, extraction of mosses on dead logs, poplar forest, P. Paquin & N. Dupérré (CPAD); Abitibi-Ouest, Duparquet Lake [48.50 °N, 79.22 °W] 1 Ψ 24.vii. 1996, Berlese extraction of litter, White cedar/balsam fir forest, P. Paquin & N. Dupérré (CPAD).

Diagnosis. Males of S. volutasilex are distinguished from other members of the genus by the presence of a long setae in the middle section of the paracymbium (Fig. 22), protegulum exposed in retrolateral view (Fig. 22), and an embolus of moderate size (Fig. 24). Females are diagnosed by the rising dorsal plate scape, curving into a large triangular plate (Fig. 27).

Description. Male (n= 5): Total length: 1.22–1.24; carapace length: 0.56–0.57; carapace width: 0.45– 0.51; carapace shiny, rounded (Fig. 25), light yellow (141 M), midline lightly suffused with gray (402 M) bearing a row of 8 forward-pointing setae extending from dorsal groove to posterior eye row, the first one being the longest, and some scattered setae in the eye region along with a brush of long, curved setae on clypeus (Fig. 26). Sternum light yellow (141 M), lightly suffused with gray (402 M). Chelicerae light yellow (141 M); promargin with 5 teeth, retromargin with 4–5 denticles, cheliceral stridulatory organ visible, with ~ 55 striae; associated stridulatory pick present at base of palpal femur. Abdomen uniformly colored, light gray (cool gray 3 M) to dark gray (cool gray 7 M), densely covered with long semi-erect setae; book lung cover light yellow finely striated. Legs light yellow (141 M), leg formula 1423; tibia I–III with two dorsal macrosetae, tibia IV with one such seta; claw not pectinated; metatarsus I with dorsal trichobothrium, Tm I 0.31–0.36; Tm IV absent. Palpus length: 0.22–0.26. Palpal tibia with one retrolateral trichobothria (Fig. 22); paracymbium (P) spiraled, apical part narrow and thin, middle part bearing one long seta, proximal part large with four setae (Fig. 22); tegulum bearing protegulum (PT) without papillae (Fig. 22); suprategulum vestigial, with large, well sclerotized outgrowth (Fig. 24); embolic division complex, embolic membrane (EM) long, well sclerotized, tapered into a serrated apex (Fig. 24); lamella characteristica (LC) robust, curving apically (Fig. 24); radix (R) large, L-shaped in ventral view (Fig. 21); embolus (E) spine-like, moderate size (Figs 21, 24).

Female (n= 5): Total length: 1.21–1.31; carapace length: 0.51–0.54 mm; carapace width: 0.35–0.36 mm; carapace colora tion as in male, not rounded, shiny, bearing a row of 8 forward-pointing setae extending from dorsal groove to posterior eye row, some scattered setae in the eye region and one seta on clypeus. Coloration of sternum and chelicerae as in male; chelicerae promargin with 5 teeth, retromargin with 5 denticles, cheliceral stridulatory organ visible, with ~ 41 striae; associated stridulatory pick present at base of palpal femur. Abdomen as in male. Female palpal claw absent. Legs coloration and formula as in male; tibia I–III with two dorsal macrosetae, tibia IV with one such seta; claw not pectinated; metatarsus I with dorsal trichobothrium, Tm I 0.30–0.34; Tm IV absent. Epigynum width: 0.09–0.12. Epigynal ventral plate (VP) with V-shaped slit (Fig. 27); dorsal plate scape (DP) protruding into a broad triangular plate (Fig. 27); atrium (A) conspicuous, enlarging posteriorly (Figs 27–29); copulatory openings (CO) located at ventral plate slit, close together, separated by half their width (Fig. 28); copulatory ducts (CD) wide, folded two time (Figs 28, 29); spermathecae (S) oval (Figs 28, 29); fertilization ducts (FD) short and sinuous (Fig. 29).

Distribution. Canada: isolated records in Newfoundland, Québec and Alberta (Fig. 19).

Habitat. Deciduous and coniferous forest litter. Most specimens were collected in the subnivean space (under snow) with the winter pitfall technique of Paquin (2004).

Etymology. The epithet is formed by the contraction of volutabundus, a, um: rolling, and silex: pebble/ stone, because the shape of the epigynum closely resembles the tongue logo used by the rock band the Rolling Stones.