Genus Drymeia Meigen, 1826

Drymeia Meigen, 1826: 204. Type-species: Drymeia obscura Meigen, 1826: 204 (= Musca hamata Fallén, 1823), by monotypy.

The generic synonyms of Drymeia Meigen are listed in Pont (1986).

Generic diagnosis

Majority of species with elongate proboscis, labella of some species slender and extending backward; gena usually swollen with many upcurved setae; parafacial usually very broad, at least as wide as width of 1 st flagellomere; arista usually pubescent; frontal setae dense and long; pteropleuron mostly bare; body black, a few species with flattened setae; base of wing mostly brown to black; subcosta smoothly curved forward in a bow towards C, all veins bare except C; halter mostly dark; legs entirely black; some tarsomeres often modified in males; claws occasionally asymmetrical on fore leg of males, fore tibia usually with a pv; mid tibia with setae on ventral surface; hind tibia with apex often projecting ventrally in males and always with at least 2–3 pd, which are at least 1.5 times longer than diameter of tibia; hind coxa bare on posterior surface; abdomen without paired spots; cerci emarginate apically.


Palaearctic and Nearctic regions, and one Neotropical species.


Most species in the genus are humicolous and univoltine. Adults of some species prey on small insects, and others are anthophilous, generally feeding on nectar, e.g., elongated mouthparts of Drymeia hamata are spectacularly adapted for this habit. Most species occur in China at elevations between 1600–5800 m, well into the mountainous tundra zone, and in the Holarctic region are also found in the Arctic tundra zones.

Key to males of the Chinese species of Drymeia Meigen

1. Proboscis short, labella large; vibrissal angle situated behind profrons in profile; anepimeron bare; scutum with 4 distinct black longitudinal vittae; abdomen with densely light pruinosity, also with a fine dark vitta in the middle and a posterior band on each tergite; eye densely haired; arista with a fusiform thickening in basal 1 / 3 ........................................................................................................ Drymeia vicana (Harris, 1780) — Proboscis slender, more than 4.0 times as long as broad, labella small; vibrissal angle usually in front of profrons in profile; thorax mostly unmarked black, the longitudinal vittae indistinct................................. 2 2. Hind tibia with a ventral process, which is like a thin spine, and longer than tibial diameter..................... 3 -- Hind tibia without apical ventral projection, if present, then it not like a long spine................................... 4 3. Frons about 3.0 times as wide as the distance between outer margins of posterior ocelli; mid tibia with 4 pd, hind tibia with distinct av and ad........................................................... Drymeia aculeata (Stein, 1907) -- Frons about 1.5 times as wide as the distance between outer margins of posterior ocelli, mid tibia with 7– 8 pd, hind tibia with indistinct av and ad.............................. Drymeia tanopodagra Xue and Zhang, 1996 a 4. Mid femur distinctly curved ventrally, with 3–7 strong and distally hook-like spinose setae subapically; vibrissal angle situated behind profrons in profile; pra present; 4 postsutural dc........................................ 5 -- Mid femur not as above; if mid femur slightly curved, then body with 3 postsutural dc and broad frons... 6 5. Katepimeron with hairs; scutum with at least 5 rows of presutural acr; anepimeron with hairs or bare; 1 st tarsomere on fore tarsus with a conspicuous apical ventral projection, and with a row of 6 spinose setae on ventral surface of distal 2 / 5, at most equal to diameter of the 1 st tarsomere; 5 th tarsomere strongly arched on dorsal surface and bearing a cluster of 6–10 short and strong spinose pd; mid femur with 5–7 strong and hook-like spinose av subapically ........................................ Drymeia grapsopoda (Xue and Cao, 1989) -- Katepimeron bare; scutum with 2 rows of presutural acr, just a few fine hairs between rows; anepimeron bare; 1 st tarsomere on fore tarsus without apical ventral projection, 1 st and 5 th tarsomeres not as above; mid femur with 3 strong and hook-like spinose av subapically ............... Drymeia cinerascens (Fan, 1993) 6. Basisternum of prosternum with hairs; frons about 2.0 times as wide as anterior ocellus or slightly narrower than the distance between external margins of posterior ocelli; with 5–6 rows of upcurved subvibrissal setulae; prementum as long as palpus; katepisternal setae 1 + 3; costal spine well developed; fore pulvilli strong, about 1.75 times as long as 5 th tarsomere; hind tibia with apical pd; calypters white, fringes milk-white; 3 postsutural dc........................................................ Drymeia tibetana (Schnabl, 1911) -- Basisternum of prosternum bare................................................................................................................... 7 7. 4 postsutural dc............................................................................................................................................. 8 -- 3 postsutural dc........................................................................................................................................... 19 8. Pra usually absent, if present then just as a fine hair slightly longer than surrounding hairs; frons narrow, frontal vitta obliterated at narrowest part; mid tibia without av, hind femur almost without pd.................. 9 -- Pra strong................................................................................................................................................... 11 9. Eye bare or with sparse and pale hairs; calypters white or black............................................................... 10 -- Eye with long and dense brown hairs; anepimeron setulose; calypters orange; body covered with dense long hairs ................................................................................................... Drymeia oculipilosa (Fan, 1993) 10. Calypters white; 1 st tarsomere on fore tarsus without apical projection........................................................ ............................................................................................... Drymeia pectinitibia (Fan, Jin and Wu, 1988) -- Calypters black; 1 st tarsomere on fore tarsus with an apical projection........................................................ ..................................................................................................... Drymeia pilipalma Xue and Zhang 1996 b 11. 1 st tarsomere on mid tarsus with a complete row of erect and strong pd setulae; 1 st tarsomere on fore tarsus bare on ventral surface .......................................................................... Drymeia magnifica (Pont, 1981) -- 1 st tarsomere on mid tarsus without a row of setae as above....................................................................... 12 12. Facial carina well developed, with a broad hump-like elevation on upper face......................................... 13 -- Facial carina undeveloped, low and inconspicuous, or at most as a narrow elevation between antennal bases............................................................................................................................................................ 14 13. Calypters white, margins yellowish; apical ventral projection on 1 st tarsomere of fore tarsus without pv setulae; upper margin of genal dilation rounded ........................................ Drymeia brevifacies (Fan, 1993) -- Calypters dark brown, margins black; apical ventral projection on 1 st tarsomere of fore tarsus with 4 pv setulae; upper margin of genal dilation almost straight ...................... Drymeia stenoperistoma (Fan, 1993) 14. Calypters white; setae on apical ventral projection of hind tibia conspicuously longer than its distal diameter; katepimeron without hairs; facial carina low but slightly pointed; hind tibia with 4 extremely long and curved pd, the other setae also long .................................................... Drymeia hirsutitibia (Fan, 1993) -- Calypters color not as above; setae on apical ventral projection of hind tibia not longer than its distal diameter...................................................................................................................................................... 15 15. Calypters milk-white, apical ventral projection on 1 st tarsomere of fore tarsus only with sporadic pv setulae apically.................................................................................................................................................. 16 -- Calypters yellow......................................................................................................................................... 18 16. Frons about 2.0 times as wide as anterior ocellus; mid femur with a complete row of av, except 4 very long setae in distal 1 / 3, others are shorter than femoral depth; thorax and abdomen with pruinosity........... ....................................................................................... Drymeia yadongensis (Zhong, Wu and Fan, 1981) -- Frons about 1.5 times as wide as anterior ocellus....................................................................................... 17 17. Pra about equal to the length of posterior postpronotal seta ... Drymeia hohxiliensis Xue and Zhang 1996 a -- Without pra.................................................................. Drymeia mediocriproboscis Xue and Zhang, 1996 b 18. Katepimeron without setulae; facial carina undeveloped, only a low and blunt ridge between antennae; fore claw long, but tapering gradually from a broad base to slender tip; calypters white to yellowish, fringes yellow; mid femur with a complete hair-like av row, and long and dense hairs on ventral surface; body with dense fringes on ventral surface .................................................... Drymeia midtibia (Fan, 1993) -- Katepimeron with setulae (bare in a very few specimens); face with a rather low and pointed carina between antennae; fore claw extremely slender, flattened and broadened like a leaf on basal 1 / 3, abruptly tapering to slender tip; calypters and fringes entirely yellow; mid femur with strong av only apically; body with long fringes on abdomen only ................................................... Drymeia qiaoershanensis (Fan, 1993) 19. Pra absent................................................................................................................................................... 20 -- Pra present.................................................................................................................................................. 21 20. Abdominal sternite 1 with hairs, mid femur ventrally with a row of setae in basal 1 / 3 and a row of short hairs on the middle part ............................................................................... Drymeia totipilosa (Fan, 1988) -- Abdominal sternite 1 bare, ventral setae and hairs on mid femur not forming rows...................................... .................................................................................................................... Drymeia beelzebub (Pont, 1981) 21. Frons wider than 2.0 times the distance between external margins of posterior ocelli; with 2–3 well developed upper orbital setae.............................................................................................................................. 22 -- Frons at most 2.0 times as wide as anterior ocellus; at most with 1 upper orbital seta.............................. 24 22. Arista short plumose, the longest aristal hairs longer than half width of 1 st flagellomere; frons about 1 / 4 width of head; 2 upper orbital setae; sternite 1 bare ................ Drymeia plumiseta (Fan, Jin and Wu, 1988) -- Arista pubescent; frons a little wider than anterior ocellus; 3 upper orbital setae...................................... 23 23. Abdominal sternite 1 bare ................................................................................. Drymeia altica (Pont, 1981) -- Abdominal sternite 1 with hairs, genal height about 0.38 of eye height; calypters yellow; halter black; mid femur straight, without pv near apex, with 4 v in the middle; mid tibia with 2 av, 3 ad, 3 pd, 3 pv; hind tibia with 4 pv................................................................................................. Drymeia yunnanaltica (Fan, 1993) 24. Calypters white or brown, with dark brown margins................................................................................ 25 -- Calypters milk-white, with white or yellow margins................................................................................. 26 25. Frontal vitta about 2.3–2.8 times width of fronto-orbital plate; 11–15 frontal setae, with 4 rows of hair-like presutural acr, pra longer than the length of posterior notopleural seta, vein C with indistinct pectinate short spines; thorax and abdomen with light pruinosity and with a shiny bronze appearance...................... .......................................................................................... Drymeia aeneoventrosa (Fan, Jin and Wu, 1988) -- Frontal vitta about 1 / 3 – 1 / 2 width of fronto-orbital plate; 8–10 frontal setae, with 2 rows of hair-like presutural acr, pra shorter than the length of posterior notopleural seta, vein C with distinct pectinate short spines; thorax and abdomen with grey pruinosity ................... Drymeia spinicosta Xue and Xiang, sp. nov. 26. Eye densely covered with hairs, the longest hairs subequal to half width of 1 st flagellomere; with 6–7 rows of upcurved subvibrissal setulae; parafacial wider than width of 1 st flagellomere; palpus linear, shorter than prementum; mid femur with a row of av in distal 2 / 3; hind tibia with a sparse row of av, and 3 distinctly strong setae in the row; 1 st tarsomere on hind tarsus with a strong ventral seta basally that is longer than the tarsal diameter; abdomen with light pruinosity .................. Drymeia hirticeps (Stein, 1907) -- Eye bare or with sparse and short hairs...................................................................................................... 27 27. Wing base yellow, veins mostly yellow to brownish-yellow except stem veins; frons wider than anterior ocellus; parafacial as wide as 1 st flagellomere; facial carina slightly hump-like; vibrissal angle in front of profrons in profile; with 7 rows of upcurved subvibrissal setulae; palpus short, only 0.55 times as long as prementum; with 6 irregular rows of presutural acr; 1 st tarsomere on fore tarsus with a sharp apical ventral projection, the 1 st tarsomere about equal to the length of remaining tarsomeres; mid femur with 2 close-set rows of strong av in distal 1 / 3, pv row strong except in basal 1 / 3 and distal 1 / 3; hind tibia on anterior to anteroventral surfaces with 3 rows of randomly arranged and erect setae, the setae about as long as the tibial diameter, also with a well developed apical ventral projection.......................................... .............................................................................................. Drymeia fulvinervula (Fan, Jin and Wu, 1988) -- Wing veins brown to black; if wing base yellow, then mid femur with 2 strong spines preapically......... 28 28. Fore coxa with dense long fringes apically; frons 1.5 –2.0 times as wide as the distance between external margins of posterior ocelli.......................................................................................................................... 29 -- Fore coxa without dense long fringes apically........................................................................................... 30 29. Mid femur with rows of long fringes in basal half of ventral surface .... Drymeia metatarsata (Stein, 1907) -- Mid femur and hind tibia with sparse rows of long setae only on anteroventral and ventral surfaces of basal half; mid coxa with dense and long fringes........................................................................................... ........................................................................... Drymeia metatarsata fimbricoxa (Fan, Jin and Wu, 1988) 30. Facial carina well developed....................................................................................................................... 31 -- Facial carina usually absent, if present then just forming a slight rise between antennae.......................... 38 31. Prementum at least 7.0 times as long as broad; palpus half length of prementum; facial carina hump-like, broad and low; parafacial conspicuously wider than 1 st flagellomere....................................................... 32 -- Prementum at most 6.0 times as long as broad, palpus distinctly more than half length of prementum.... 35 32. Mid femur with 2 long spinose av in distal 1 / 4; alveoli distinctly projecting............................................ 33 -- Mid femur without spinose setae in distal 1 / 4, only with normal av; alveoli indistinct; anterior genal dilation with 6 rows of subvibrissal setulae; 1 st tarsomere on fore tarsus with an apical ventral projection; body length 6.5 –8.0 mm ...................................................... Drymeia palpusbrevis (Fan, Jin and Wu, 1988) 33. Head with 10 or more rows of upcurved subvibrissal setulae ............ Drymeia spinifemorata (Stein, 1907) -- Head with 4–6 rows of upcurved subvibrissal setulae................................................................................ 34 34. 8 – 9 frontal setae, hind tibia with an apical ventral projection bearing 2 long setae....................................... .................................................................................................. Drymeia naticerca Xue and Xiang, sp. nov. -- 10–12 frontal setae, hind tibia with a finger-like apical ventral projection that just has some small hairs apically ..................................................................................... Drymeia nudiapica Xue and Zhang, sp. nov. 35. 1 st tarsomere on fore tarsus with a blunt apical ventral projection, the 1 st tarsomere about equal to remaining tarsomeres in length; 4 irregular rows of presutural acr...................... Drymeia ganziensis (Fan, 1993) -- 1 st tarsomere on fore tarsus without an apical ventral projection and shorter than remaining tarsomeres; 2 rows of presutural acr................................................................................................................................. 36 36. Hind tibia with a well-developed apical ventral projection, subequal to 1 / 2 width of tibial radius; 1 st tarsomere on fore tarsus with a minute apical ventral projection; calypters white; face with a narrow and blunt facial carina ..................................................................................... Drymeia apiciventris (Fan, 1993) -- Hind tibia with an small apical ventral projection...................................................................................... 37 37. Frons equal to the distance between outer margins of posterior ocelli; frontal vitta about 2.5 times as wide as one fronto-orbital plate; 1 st flagellomere subequal to the pedicel length; genal dilation with 4 rows of subvibrissal setulae; hind femur without a complete row of pv............ Drymeia nigrinterfrons (Fan, 1993) -- Frons narrow, frontal vitta narrower than one fronto-orbital plate; 1 st flagellomere about 1.5 times as long as the pedicel length; genal dilation with 9 rows of subvibrissal setulae; hind femur with a complete row of pv......................................................................................................... Drymeia melargentea (Fan, 1993) 38. Abdominal sternite 1 with hairs.................................................................................................................. 39 -- Abdominal sternite 1 bare; notopleuron with fine setulae; face without an elevation between antennae.. 40 39. Notopleuron without fine setulae; face with a low but gradually acute elevation between antennae; frons subequal to the width of anterior ocellus; parafacial about 1.2 times as wide as 1 st flagellomere; subvibrissal setulae in 7 rows, mostly upcurved; mid tibia without ad, hind tibia slightly curved.............................. ............................................................................................................. Drymeia gongshanensis (Fan, 1993) -- Notopleuron with fine setulae; facial carina distinct; frons about 2.0 times as wide as anterior ocellus; parafacial about 1.5 –2.0 times as wide as 1 st flagllomere; subvibrissal setulae in 3–4 rows, mostly upcurved and coarse; mid tibia with 1 ad, hind tibia straight ................. Drymeia alpicola (Rondani, 1871) 40. Parafacial equal to or slightly narrower than 1 st flagellomere; hind femur at least with some well developed pv........................................................................................................................................................ 41 -- Parafacial wider than 1 st flagellomere........................................................................................................ 43 41. Hind femur without or with a complete row of pv..................................................................................... 42 -- Hind femur with 2 rows of hair-like pv basally, 4–5 rows of thin setae in basal half.................................... .............................................................................................................. Drymeia sichuanensis (Feng, 1999) 42. Hind femur without a complete row of pv, even if the apical setae extremely fine; 13–14 frontal setae, with 4 rows of hair-like presutural acr, pra equal to the length of posterior notopleural seta....................... ................................................................................................ Drymeia xinjiangensis (Qian and Fan, 1981) -- Hind femur with a complete row of fringe-like pv; 9–11 frontal setae, with 2 rows of hair-like presutural acr, pra about 2 / 3 the length of posterior notopleural seta ... Drymeia pilifemorata Xue and Wang, sp. nov. 43. 2 rows of presutural acr.............................................................................................................................. 44 -- 4 rows of irregular presutural acr; thorax with grey pruinosity, with dull longitudinal vittae and patches, median vittae black; abdomen with dark grey pruinosity laterally, all tergites with an indistinct median vitta, some broadly expanded posteriorly ................................................... Drymeia pollinosa (Stein, 1907) 44. Katepisternal setae 1 + 2; parafacial narrower than 1 st flagellomere, the latter about 1.5 times as long as broad; thorax and abdomen shiny black, dorsal of thorax slightly brown, abdomen with sparse brown pruinosity laterally, the median vitta broad; abdominal sternites with long setulae............................................ ............................................................................................................... Drymeia brumalis (Rondani, 1866) -- Katepisternal setae 1 + 1, parafacial as wide as 1 st flagellomere, the latter about 2.0 times as long as broad; thorax and abdomen black, the abdominal central median vitta indistinct, abdominal sternites without long setulae .............................................................................. Drymeia minutifica Xue and Wang, sp. nov.