Bathyraja aleutica (Gilbert, 1896)

Description: The egg cases of Bathyraja aleutica (Figure 3) are very large,> 120 mm in length, with MAW about 73–76 % of ECL. Egg case surface very coarse, striated, and with long anteriorly directed prickles giving it a velvety texture. Lateral keels very narrow, about 6–7 % of MAW. Attachment fibers present, originating near base of posterior horns. Anterior apron border broad and concave, similar in width to the posterior.

Anterior horns relatively short, about 60–80 % of ECL, curved inwards, tapering towards tips, becoming thin and filamentous. Posterior apron straight, broad, transverse, posterior horns longer than anteriors and about 90 % or more length of egg case, tapering towards tips with tendrils coiling towards filamentous tips. Color after preservation a golden brown, lighter along lateral keels.

Remarks: A common species in the Bering Sea and Gulf of Alaska its southern range is now known to extend into northern California (Hoff, 2002; Ebert, 2003).

Material examined: CAS 224337, 138.0 cm TL, eastern Bering Sea (56.1972 N, 169.7457 W), 242 m, 17 June 2002; MLML uncatalogued, 136.0 cm TL, eastern Bering Sea (60.3806 N, ­ 178.6524 W), 295 m, 29 June 2002; MLML uncatalogued, 134.9.0 cm TL, eastern Bering Sea (60.3806 N, ­ 178.6524 W), 295 m, 29 June 2002.