Neofedrizzia tragardhi Womersley

Neofedrizzia tragardhi Womersley, 1959: 41.

Type specimens. Holotype, F, AUSTRALIA, New South Wales: Washpool Ck near Tenterfield, 8.x. 1956, G. F. Bornemissza, on P. dilatatus from eucalyptus log (N 1952377). Paratypes, 9 F, 6 M, same data as holotype (N 1952378 -N 1952386, N 1952387 a-b, N 1952388 a-b, N 19523890 -N 1952400).

Other specimens. 10 F, 3 M, New South Wales, Wilson’s Downfall near Tenterfield, 8.x. 1956, G. F. Bornemissza, on P. dilatatus (N 1952401 -N 1952413). In SAMA. Queensland: M, LNP, Wishing Tree, 20.iii. 1995, D. E. Walter, on P. dilatatus (S 74193); M, Main Range National Park, 11.ii. 1996, O. Seeman, on P. dilatatus (S 74194); F, 4 M, LNP, Antarctic Beech Forest Circuit, 2.xii. 1996, O. Seeman, on Pharochilus scutellonotus Kuwert (S 74195 - 98). All deposited in QM.

Diagnosis. Both sexes: idiosoma 1370–1450 long; anterior hyaline projection does not extend past CxI; exopodal patterning between CxII–III striped; pedofossae III present, IV absent; seta h 1 with 4 barbs; distal spine-like process on palp femur minute or absent; one non-filamentous excrescence ribbon-like, the other a short serrated blade; femur III and IV with large lamellae. Female: sternal shield reticulated; seta st 1 65–75 long, slightly longer than base of tritosternum; setae st 2 –st 3 53–75 long, st 4 variable, 4–38 long; sternogynial shield smooth, anterior margin straight. Male: tetartosternum absent, presternal processes articulated with sternoventral shield, symmetrical, with truncate ends, directed inwards; sternoventral shield (anterior of genital opening) reticulate; seta st 1 40–45 long; genital opening placed between CxII–III, flanked by 14–17 pores.

Remarks. The holotype is in poor condition, but the paratypes contain numerous specimens in satisfactory condition. This species occurs in Southeast Queensland and Northern New South Wales on Pharochilus. Womersley’s specimens have a long st 4 (38 long) but, like N. camini, my collections have short st 4 (<10 long); otherwise these specimens are indistinguishable and I consider them the same species.