Platynereis australis -group indeterminate

Nereis australis.— Ehlers 1904: 26 –28, pl. 3, fig. 16–20; pl. 4, fig. 1–2, Sumner & Lyttleton (Mus. Göttingen). Ehlers 1905: 287, no figures, repeat record. Ehlers 1907: 11, no figures, Campbell Island; Otago Harbour; Blueskin Bay. Benham 1909 a: 238 –242, pl. 9, fig. 1, Perseverance Harbour, Campbell I; Macquarie Island; etc. Benham 1909 b: 73, no figures, Chatham Islands unspecified. Benham 1950: 12 –13, no figures, Auckland Island (6 locations); Campbell Island (3 locations).

Nereis (Platynereis) australis.— Augener 1923: 27 –39, fig. 16, Carnley Harbour, etc, Auckland I; Perseverance Harbour, Campbell I. Augener 1924: 354 –356, no figures, North Channel at Kawau Island; North Cape; Sumner, etc. Augener 1927: 348, no figures, Tauranga (offshore and shore). Augener 1932 b: 105 –106, no figures, Perseverance Harbour, Campbell Island.

Nereis (Platynereis) dumerili [sic (dumerilii)].— Augener 1926: 292, no figures, Perseverance Harbour, Campbell I. Augener 1932 b: 106, no figures, Perseverance Harbour, Campbell Island.

Platynereis australis.— Knox 1951: 223 –225, pl. 49, fig. 34–40, Banks Peninsula coast unspecified. Knox 1960: 124, [In part] Chatham Island. Estcourt 1967: 70, no figures, Heathcote Estuary, Christchurch. Knox & Cameron 1970: 80, no figures, Snares Islands.

Remarks. Records of atokes attributed to P. australis in prior literature potentially contain a mix of P. australis group species, including P. australis itself, and cannot now be assigned to species within the group. Similarly there are a large number of atoke specimen lots in the NIWA collection that cannot be determined to species, with over 130 station records of atoke Platynereis species from on or near the shores of the New Zealand mainland islands, the Chatham Islands, the Three Kings Islands, and the subantarctic islands of Antipodes, Auckland, Campbell, Macquarie, and Snares Islands (data available on request).