Pseudfoxiphalus setosus Andres, 1991

Andres, 1991: 187–196, figs. 1–5.

De Broyer and JaŻdŻewski, 1993: 85. De Broyer and Rauschert, 1999: 286.

Distribution: M

Magellan Area: Chile, Seno de Reloncavi, Bahía Quillaipe, 41 ° 54 ’S 72 ° 75 ’W (sandy tidal flat) (HGA 91).

Depth range: 0 m.

Type-locality: Magellan Area: Chile, Seno de Reloncavi, Bahía Quillaipe, 41 ° 54 ’S 72 ° 75 ’W (sandy tidal flat) (HGA 91).

Ecology: Collected from sandy tidal flat.

Type material location: ZMH, Hamburg.

Remarks: Since Andres (1991) described and illustrated the genus Pseudfoxiphalus, no other records or species were found.