Parharpinia? obliqua K.H. Barnard, 1932

Barnard K.H., 1932: 10, 13, 101–102, fig. 51. (Parharpinia obliqua). Barnard J.L., 1958 a: 146 (by implication). (Paraphoxus obliquus). Barnard J.L., 1958 b: 118. (Paraphoxus obliqua).

Barnard J.L., 1960: 186, 195, 274. (Paraphoxus obliquus). Thurston, 1974 a: app. C. (Parharpinia obliqua).

Barnard and Drummond, 1976: 528. (To a genus to be described). Lowry and Bullock, 1976: 127. (Paraphoxus obliquus). Barnard and Drummond, 1978: 32, 145.

Barnard and Barnard, 1990: 106.

Barnard and Karaman, 1991: 636.

De Βrοyer and JaŻdŻewski, 1993: 84.

Distribution: W + G

Bransfield Strait: “Discovery” 1925–1927, sta. 175, 63 ° 17 ’S 59 ° 48 ’W, 200 m (bottom: mud, stones, gravel; gear: large heavy dredge) (KHB 32).

South Georgia: “Discovery” 1925–1927, sta. 136, 54 ° 22 ’S 35 ° 21 ’W, 0–5 m (gear: pelagic tow-net) (KHB 32).

Weddell Sea: “Polarstern” ANT XV/ 3 48, North of Kapp Norvegia, sta. 47, 70 °52.1’S 10 °29.4’W, 244 m (gear: multiboxcorer) (MR unpubl.).

Depth range: 200–244 m (pelagic: 0–5 m).

Type-locality: Bransfield Strait: “Discovery” 1925–1927, sta. 175, 63 ° 17 ’S 59 ° 48 ’W, 200 m (bottom: mud, stones, gravel; gear: large heavy dredge) (KHB 32).

South Georgia: “Discovery” 1925–1927, sta. 136, 54 ° 22 ’S 35 ° 21 ’W, 0–5 m (gear: pelagic tow-net) (KHB 32).

Ecology: Collected from mud, stones, gravel.

Type material location: NHM, London.

Remarks: The species allocated in the genus Parharpinia Stebbing, 1899, Parharpinia obliqua and P. rotundifrons were questioned by Barnard and Drummond (1976, 1978), Barnard and Barnard (1990) and Barnard and Karaman (1991). They redefined this Australian genus concluding that these taxa were of uncertain generic allocation. Since then, there were not any more studies to clarify the taxonomic position of the species mentioned above.

Rauschert (unpubl.) reports Parharpinia? obliqua for the first time from the Weddell Sea.