Palabriaphoxus latifrons (Ren, 1991)

Ren, 1991 in Ren and Huang, 1991: 189, 267 –269, 297, 311– 312, figs. 51–52. (Harpinia latifrons). De Βrοyer and JaŻdŻewski, 1993: 84.

Distribution: W (+Ba)

Palmer Archipelago: 63 ° 30 ’S 62 ° 31 ’W, 180 m (bottom: sand) (R&H 91).

South Shetland Islands: King George Island, [54 ° 15 ’S 36 ° 45 ’W], 1098 m (bottom: mud, rock) (R&H 91).

Depth range: 180–1098 m.

Type-locality: Palmer Archipelago: 63 ° 30 ’S 62 ° 31 ’W, 180 m (bottom: sand) (R&H 91).

Ecology: Collected from mud, sand, rocks.

Type material location: IOQ, Qingdao.

Remarks: This species described by Ren and Huang (1991) was transferred to Palabriaphoxus by De Broyer and JaŻdŻewski (1993). This genus had been erected by Gurjanova (1977) to include Harpinia palabria J.L. Barnard, 1961. Therefore, the genus actually contains two species, both easily distinguished from each other by the setation of antennae, the shape of coxae and peraeopods, and the length of uropod 3 rami.