Linca pinita Alonso de Pina, 1993

Alonso de Pina, 1993: 497–507, figs. 1–32. Taylor and Poore, 2001: 255, 256.

Distribution: M

Magellan Area: Shinkai Maru IV 1978, Argentine continental shelf, sta. 92, 50 ° 30 ’S 62 ° 31 ’W, 159 m (gear: Picard dredge) (GMA 93).

Depth range: 159 m.

Type-locality: Magellan Area: Shinkai Maru IV 1978, Argentine continental shelf, sta. 92, 50 ° 30 ’S 62 ° 31 ’W, 159 m (gear: Picard dredge) (GMA 93).

Ecology: Collected from sandy substrata.

Type material location: MACN, Buenos Aires.

Remarks: Linca Alonso de Pina, 1993 was erected on the basis of a female, in excellent conditions, from the Argentine continental shelf. This genus is intermediate between the two artificial groups Birubiinae and Brolginae which require phylogenetic treatment. Basically, it has three robust setae on the molar with one of them verly large, second article of antenna 1 very long with main setae disposed midventrally and faint comb on apices of peduncles of uropods 1 and 2.