Fuegiphoxus? uncinatus (Chevreux, 1912)

Chevreux, 1912: 211. (Pontharpinia uncinata).

Chevreux, 1913: 82, 100–104, figs. 10–12. (Pontharpinia uncinata). Barnard J.L., 1958 a: 146 (by implication). (Paraphoxus uncinatus). Barnard J.L., 1958 b: 118. (Paraphoxus uncinata).

Barnard J.L., 1960: 186, 195, 283. (Paraphoxus uncinatus). Thurston, 1974 a: app. C. (Pontharpinia uncinata).

Lowry and Bullock, 1976: 128. (Paraphoxus uncinatus). Barnard and Drummond, 1978: 32, 146. (Pontharpinia uncinata). Barnard and Barnard, 1980: 867. (Fuegiphoxus? uncinatus). Barnard and Barnard, 1990: 50. (Fuegiphoxus? uncinata). Wakabara et al., 1990: 2, 5, 7.

Barnard and Karaman, 1991: 610. (Fuegiphoxus? uncinata). De Broyer and JaŻdŻewski, 1993: 83. (? Fuegiphoxus uncinatus).

Distribution: W + M (+Ba)

Drake Passage: “Polarstern” ANT XV/ 3 48, Drake Passage, sta. 356, 62 °00.3’S 59 °14.9’W, 130 m (gear: multiboxcorer) (MR unpubl.).

Magellan Area: Magellan “Victor Hensen” Campaign 1994, Estrecho Bahía Voces, sta. 884, 53 °42.6’S 70 °57.5’W, 51 m (gear: small dredge); Canal Beagle, Garibaldi, sta. 1040, 54 ° 51 ’S 69 °55.7’W, 30 m (gear: small dredge); Paso Goree, sta. 1165, 55 °18.6’S 67 °08.5’W, 42 m (gear: multiboxcorer); C. Brecknock (E), I. Sidney, sta. 1287, 54 °45.5’S 71 °44.4’W, 33 m (gear: small dredge); Crucero CIMAR FIORD 3 (“Vidal Gormaz” Cruise), Estrecho de Magallanes, Paso Ancho, sta. 5, 53 °3.6’S 70 °32.8’W, 88 m; Canal Beagle, Puerto Williams, sta. 41, 54 °53.8’S 67 °34.5’W, 35 m (MR unpubl.).

Palmer Archipelago: Deuxième Expédition Antarctique Française 1908–1910, Neumayer Channel [Roosen Channel], Port Lockroy, [64 ° 49 ’S 63 ° 30 ’W], 60–70 m (gear: dredge) (EC 13).

South Shetland Islands: 62 ° 58 ’07’’S 57 °08'01"W, 88 m (fish stomach content) (YW et al. 90).

Weddell Sea:Polarstern” ANT XIII/ 3, Kapp Norvegia, sta. 25, 71 º23.10’S 14 º19.70’W, 628 m (gear: multiboxcorer) (MR unpubl.).

Depth range: 30– 628 m.

Type-locality: Palmer Archipelago: Deuxième Expédition Antarctique Française 1908–1910, Neumayer Channel [Roosen Channel], Port Lockroy, [64 ° 49 ’S 63 ° 30 ’W], 60-70 m (gear: dredge) (EC 13).

Ecology: Collected from sandy bottoms.

Type material location: MNHN, Paris.

Remarks: On the basis of the original description and illustrations by Chevreux (1913), the species was provisionally assigned to the genus Fuegiphoxus by Barnard and Barnard (1980). Many features such as setal formulas on articles 4 and 5 of antenna 2, fine details of mouthparts, setal formulas of epimera, lateral and ventral setae of urosomite 1 and setation of uropods require an exhaustive study for confirmation.

Fuegiphoxus? uncinatus was recently recorded in the Magellan area and also extended its distribution in the West Antarctic province since it was recorded in the Drake Passage and Weddell Sea (Rauschert, unpubl.).