Cephalophoxoides kergueleni (Stebbing, 1888))

Stebbing, 1888: 816–819, pl. 55 (as Phoxus kergueleni on plate). (Phoxocephalus kergueleni). Della Valle, 1893: 742. (Phoxocephalus kergueleni).

Stebbing, 1906: 135. (Phoxocephalus kergueleni).

Not Chilton, 1909: 618–619. (Phoxocephalus kerguelen = Phoxocephalus regium). Schellenberg, 1926: 195. (Phoxocephalus kergueleni).

Monod and Dollfus, 1932: 73. (Phoxocephalus kergueleni). Barnard J.L., 1958 b: 118. (Phoxocephalus kergueleni).

Barnard J.L., 1960: 293, 294, 299, 300, 301. (Phoxocephalus kergueleni). Barnard J.L., 1964: 3, 21–22, fig. 17. (Phoxocephalus kergueleni). Barnard J.L., 1967: 3, 4, 5, 135, 137, 138, fig. 67. (Phoxocephalus kergueleni). Mills, 1972: 74, table 1. (Phoxocephalus kergueleni).

Bellan-Santini and Ledoyer, 1974: 639, 640, 694. (Phoxocephalus kergueleni). Lowry and Bullock, 1976: 128. (Phoxocephalus kergueleni). Gurjanova, 1977: 81.

Barnard and Drummond, 1978: 427, 431, 441– 442. (Phoxocephalus kergueleni). Barnard and Barnard, 1990: 30.

Barnard and Karaman, 1991: 603.

De Βroyer and JaŻdŻewskI, 1993: 83.

Distribution: W + S + M + (+Ba)

Iles Kerguelen: H.M.S. Challenger 1873–1876, off Baie de Recques [Cumberland Bay], [48 ° 48 ’S 69 °02’E], 216 m (TRS 88); Deutschen Tiefsee-Expedition 1898–1899, [49 ° 15 ’S 69 ° 10 ’E], shallow littoral (AS 26); Baie des Swains, [49 ° 37 ’S 69 ° 42 ’E] (M&D 32); Golfe du Morbihan, Anse Joliette, [49 ° 27 ’S 69 ° 54 ’E], 10–54 m (BS&L 74).

Magellan Area: Magellan “Victor Hensen” Campaign 1994, Estrecho Laredo, sta. 813, 52 °57.5’S 70 ° 41 ’W, 90 m (gear: small dredge); sta. 958, 52 ° 58 ’S 70 °41.1’W, 111 m (gear: small dredge); sta. 966, 52 °57.9’S 70 °46.9’W, 13 m (gear: small dredge); Estrecho Bahía Voces, sta. 884, 53 °42.6’S 70 °57.5’W, 51 m (gear: small dredge); sta. 875, 53 °42.1’S 70 °56.5’W, 240 m (gear: Agassiz trawl); Canal Beagle, Francia, sta. 1084, 54 °55.3’S 69 °019.9’W, 268 m (gear: light meter); Canal Beagle, Romanche, sta. 1083, 54 °53.1’S 69 °30.5’W, 62 m (gear: small dredge); Canal Beagle, Garibaldi, sta. 1045, 54 °51.8’S 69 °55.6’W, 186 m (gear: small dredge); Canal Beagle, Punta Yámana, sta. 1124, 54 °58.9’S 69 °02.1’W, 202 m (gear: small dredge); Canal Beagle, Yendegaia, sta. 1140, 54 °54.9’S 68 °39.1’W, 310 m (gear: small dredge); Bahía Oglander, sta. 1152, 55 °09.1’S 67 °01.7’W, 15 m (gear:small dredge); Rada Picton, sta. 1156, 55 °05.3’S 66 °45.4’W, 27 m (gear: small dredge); Isla Picton, sta. 1192, 55 °06.7’S 67 °01.6’W, 40 m (gear: small dredge); Isla Wollaston, sta. 1204, 55 °38.4’S 67 °12.4’W, 40 m (gear: small dredge); SE Isla Picton, sta. 1221, 55 °07.6’S 66 °44.6’W, 33 m (gear: small dredge); C. Brecknock (W), I., sta. 1291, 54 °31.4’S 72 °05.9’W, 484 m (gear: small dredge); Crucero CIMAR FIORD 3 (“Vidal Gormaz” Cruise), Estrecho de Magallanes, Paso Ancho, sta. 5, 53 °3.6’S 70 °32.8’W, 88 m; sta. 6, 53 °16.5’S 70 °41.2’W, 177 m; Estrecho de Magallanes, Bahía Snug, sta. 8, 53 °51.8’S 71 ° 32 ’W, 260 m; G. Xaultegua, sta. 16, 53 °8.65’S 73 °4.7’W, 411 m; Canal Beagle, Puerto Williams, sta. 41, 54 °53.8’S 67 °34.5’W, 35 m; Isla Lennox, Paso Richmond, sta. 42, 55 °11.5’S 66 °46.3’W, 52 m; Bahía Parry, sta. 51, 54 °34.9’S 69 °19.6’W, 177 m; Seno Almirantazgo, sta. 52, 54 °24.5’S 69 °11.3’W, 110 m (MR unpubl.).

South Shetland Islands: “ Polarstern” ANT XV/ 3 48, King George Island, sta. 325, 62 °21.9’S 58 °42.6’W, 805 m (gear: multiboxcorer); sta. 326, 62 °20.1’S 58 °38.8’W, 606 m (gear: multiboxcorer) (MR unpubl.).

Depth range: 10– 805 m.

Type-locality: Iles Kerguelen: H.M.S. Challenger 1873–1876, off Baie de Recques [Cumberland Bay], [48 ° 48 ’S 69 °02’E], 216 m (TRS 88).

Ecology: Collected from sandy bottoms.

Extralimital distribution: “Vema” 15, Panama Basin, Gulf of Panama, sta. 37, 7 ° 25 ’N 79 ° 23 ’W, 1749 m (gear: Menzies trawl) (JLB 64); Velero IV, California,Cedros Trench, sta. 7229, 27 ° 54 ’ 25 ’’N 115 ° 40 ’00’’W, 1720–1748 m; sta. 7231, 27 ° 24 ’00’’N 115 ° 12 ’ 15 ’’W, 2398–2475 m; sta. 7358, 27 ° 35 ’ 45 ’’N 115 °08’ 30 ’’W, 1095–1205 m; sta. 7364, 30 ° 14 ’ 44 ’’N 116 ° 46 ’ 45 ’’W, 2673–2770 m (gear: Menzies trawl) (JLB 67).

Extralimital depth range: 1095–2770 m.

Type material location: NHM, London.

Remarks: Cephalophoxoides kergueleni was described and illustrated in detail by Stebbing (1888) from the Kerguelen Islands, and it is characterized by a stout gnathopod 2 with palmar corner extended into a protuberance-like-tooth. Bellan-Santini and Ledoyer (1974) also found this species in Kerguelen Islands and noted a small difference in the inner ramus length of uropod 3.

Cephalophoxoides kergueleni presents a new record in the Magellan area and in the South Shetland Islands (Rauschert, unpubl.). Outside the Southern Ocean, J.L. Barnard (1964, 1967) reported this taxon in the deep bathyal zone of the Pacific Ocean, where he found that specimens from two stations displayed dissimilar palmar angle gnathopod 2 and uropod 2 with respect to the species described by Stebbing (1888). The identity of this deep Pacific material should be carefully checked.