Key to species of P. sabahensis group

1 Wings mostly dark with light spots (Fig. 3); male ninth sternum with trapezoidal posterior incision, medially with an additional small suboblong incision (Fig. 17) ......................................... P. spectabilis sp.nov.

- Wings mostly hyaline (Figs 1, 5); male ninth sternum with posterior incision V-shaped or suboblong, but without additional small incision medially (Figs 9, 25).............................................................................. 2

2 Prothoracic markings broad (Fig. 23); male ninth sternum with rectangular posterior incision, leaving pair of slender attenuate processes (Fig. 25); male tenth tergum with tip pointed and curved dorsad (Fig. 27); female eighth sternum with posterior margin medially incised (Fig. 31) ..................... P. tortuosus sp. nov.

- Prothoracic markings narrow (Fig. 7); male ninth sternum with V-shaped posterior incision, leaving pair of broad triangular processes (Fig. 9); male tenth tergum with tip rounded and not curved dorsad (Fig. 10); female eighth sternum with posterior margin not incised (Fig. 14) .......................... P. sabahensis sp. nov.