DataFerrett Codebook - Created Mar 14, 2006 PESMJ1A WK SCH Time work started most days With the following Ranges: -9 No answer -4 It Varies -3 Refusal -2 Don't know -1 Out of universe 0:1259 Hour PESMJ1B WK SCH Time work started last week With the following Ranges: A AM D Don't know NA Not in universe P PM PESMJ2A WK SCH Time work ended most days With the following Ranges: -9 No answer -4 It Varies -3 Refusal -2 Don't know -1 Out of universe 0:1259 Hour PESMJ2B WK SCH Time work ended last week With the following Ranges: A AM NA Not in universe P PM PESMJ3 WK SCH Paid overtime rate With the following Ranges: -9 No answer -3 Refusal -2 Don't know -1 Out of universe 1 Yes 2 No PESMJ4 WK SCH Hours of overtime With the following Ranges: -9 No answer -3 Refusal -2 Don't know -1 Out of universe 0:99 Hours PESMJ5 WK SCH Flexible work hours With the following Ranges: -9 No answer -3 Refusal -2 Don't know -1 Out of universe 1 Yes 2 No PESMJ6 WK SCH Flexible hours as part of employer program With the following Ranges: -9 No answer -3 Refusal -2 Don't know -1 Out of universe 1 Yes 2 No PESMJ7 WK SCH Work a daytime schedule or other With the following Ranges: -9 No answer -3 Refusal -2 Don't know -1 Out of universe 1 A regular daytime schedule (Anytime between 6am to 6pm) 2 Some other schedule PESMJ8 WK SCH Hours usually worked With the following Ranges: -3 Refusal -2 Don't know -1 Out of universe 1 An evening shift (Anytime between 2 pm to Midnight) 2 A night shift (Anytime between 9pm to 8am) 3 A rotating shift - one that changes periodically from days to evenings or night 4 A split shift - one consisting of two distinct periods each day 5 An irregular schedule 6 Other, specify PESMJ9 WK SCH Reason this shift is worked With the following Ranges: -9 No answer -3 Refusal -2 Don't know -1 Out of universe 1 Better arrangements for family or child care 2 Better pay 3 Allows time for school 4 Could not get any other job 5 Local transportation or pollution control program 6 Nature of the job 7 Personal preference 8 Some other reason (specify) PESMJ10 WK SCH Number of days worked in a week With the following Ranges: -9 No answer -4 Varies -3 Refusal -2 Don't know -1 Out of universe 1:7 Number of days worked PESMJ111 WK SCH Days of the week worked: Sunday With the following Ranges: -9 No answer -4 Varies -3 Refusal -2 Don't know -1 Out of universe 1 Yes 2 No PESMJ112 WK SCH Days of the week worked: Monday With the following Ranges: -1 Out of universe 1 Yes 2 No PESMJ113 WK SCH Days of the week worked: Tuesday With the following Ranges: -1 Out of universe 1 Yes 2 No PESMJ114 WK SCH Days of the week worked: Wednesday With the following Ranges: -1 Out of universe 1 Yes 2 No PESMJ115 WK SCH Days of the week worked: Thursday With the following Ranges: -1 Out of universe 1 Yes 2 No PESMJ116 WK SCH Days of the week worked: Friday With the following Ranges: -1 Out of universe 1 Yes 2 No PESMJ117 WK SCH Days of the week worked: Saturday With the following Ranges: -1 Out of universe 1 Yes 2 No PESMJ12 WK SCH Do you work at home With the following Ranges: -9 No answer -3 Refusal -2 Don't know -1 Out of universe 1 Yes 2 No PESMJ13 WK SCH Paid for the work done at home With the following Ranges: -9 No answer -3 Refusal -2 Don't know -1 Out of universe 1 Paid 2 Taking work home PESMJ14 WK SCH Business run from home or other location With the following Ranges: -9 No answer -3 Refusal -2 Don't know -1 Out of universe 1 Home 2 Some other location 3 Both PESMJ15 WK SCH Family business run from home or other location With the following Ranges: -9 No answer -3 Refusal -2 Don't know -1 Out of universe 1 Home 2 Some other location 3 Both PESMJ16 WK SCH Frequency of work at home With the following Ranges: -3 Refusal -2 Don't know -1 Out of universe 1 At least once a week 2 At least once every two weeks 3 at least once a month 4 Less than once a month PESMJ17 WK SCH Hours per week work at home With the following Ranges: -4 Varies -3 Refusal -2 Don't know -1 Out of universe 0:80 Hours PESMJ18 WK SCH Days per week/two weeks work at home With the following Ranges: -9 No answer -4 Varies -3 Refusal -2 Don't know -1 Out of universe 1:14 Days PESMJ19 WK SCH Days worked exclusively at home With the following Ranges: -9 No answer -4 Varies -3 Refusal -2 Don't know -1 Out of universe 0:14 Days PESMJ201 WK SCH Equipment used at home for work With the following Ranges: -9 No answer -3 Refusal -2 Don't know -1 Out of universe 1 Yes 2 No PESMJ202 WK SCH Equipment used at home for work: Email or internet With the following Ranges: -1 Refusal 1 Yes 2 No PESMJ203 WK SCH Equipment used at home for work: Fax With the following Ranges: -1 Refusal 1 Yes 2 No PESMJ204 WK SCH Equipment used at home for work: Telephone With the following Ranges: -1 Refusal 1 Yes 2 No PESMJ205 WK SCH Equipment used at home for work: other electronics. With the following Ranges: -1 Refusal 1 Yes 2 No PESMJ21 WK SCH Modem, Internet, or email connect to work site With the following Ranges: -9 No answer -3 Refusal -2 Don't know -1 Out of universe 1 Yes 2 No PESMJ22 WK SCH Home use equipment furnished by employer With the following Ranges: -9 No answer -3 Refusal -2 Don't know -1 Out of universe 1 Yes 2 No PESMJ23 WK SCH Main reason for working at home With the following Ranges: -9 No answer -3 Refusal -2 Don't know -1 Out of universe 1 Finish or catch up on work 2 Business is conducted from home 3 Nature of the job 4 Coordinate work schedule w/ personal or family needs 5 Reduce commuting time or expense 6 Local transportation or pollution control program 7 Some other reason PESSJ1 WK SCH Number of days work on second job With the following Ranges: -9 No answer -4 Varies -3 Refusal -2 Don't know -1 Out of universe 1:7 Days PESSJ2 WK SCH Any work at home for second job With the following Ranges: -9 No answer -3 Refusal -2 Don't know -1 Out of universe 1 Yes 2 No PESSJ3 WK SCH Work done at home for home-based business With the following Ranges: -3 Refusal -2 Don't know -1 Out of universe 1 Yes 2 No PESSJ4 WK SCH Frequently work at home second job With the following Ranges: -3 Refusal -2 Don't know -1 Out of universe 1 At least once a week 2 At least once every two weeks 3 at least once a month 4 Less than once a month PESSJ5 WK SCH Number of hours worked at home for second job With the following Ranges: -4 Varies -3 Refusal -2 Don't know -1 Out of universe 0:80 Hours worked at home PESSJ6 WK SCH Reason for working more than one job With the following Ranges: -9 No answer -3 Refusal -2 Don't know -1 Out of universe 1 Meet expenses or pay off debt 2 Earn extra money 3 Build a business or get experience in a different job 4 Enjoy the second job 5 Some other reason PRSHFTWK WK SCH Recode of PESMJ7 and PESMJ8 With the following Ranges: -9 No answer -3 Refusal -2 Don't Know -1 Out of universe 1 Daytime 2 Evening shift 3 Night shift 4 Rotating shift 5 Split shift 6 Irregular schedule 7 Some other shift PWSUPWGT Work Schedule Final Weight PESSJ1A1 WK SCH Day of week usually work second job: Sunday With the following Ranges: -9 No answer -3 Refusal -2 Don't know -1 Out of universe 1 Yes 2 No PESSJ1A2 WK SCH Day of week usually work second job: Monday With the following Ranges: -1 Out of universe 1 Yes 2 No PESSJ1A3 WK SCH Day of week usually work second job: Tuesday With the following Ranges: -1 Out of universe 1 Yes 2 No PESSJ1A4 WK SCH Day of week usually work second job: Wednesday With the following Ranges: -1 Out of universe 1 Yes 2 No PESSJ1A5 WK SCH Day of week usually work second job: Thursday With the following Ranges: -1 Out of universe 1 Yes 2 No PESSJ1A6 WK SCH Day of week usually work second job: Friday With the following Ranges: -1 Out of universe 1 Yes 2 No PESSJ1A7 WK SCH Day of week usually work second job: Saturday With the following Ranges: -1 Out of universe 1 Yes 2 No