Suborder Bairdiocopina Gruendel, 1967

Superfamily Bairdioidea Sars, 1888

Remarks. As previously stated by Hartmann (1974: 253 – 4), the genera and families of Bairdioidea need new diagnoses. Several previously described taxa present a number of characters which are diagnostic for different bairdioid genera and even families. One good example is the genus Bythopussella Warne, 1990, which was described (Warne 1990: 114) in order to accommodate species with robust, bairdiid carapaces but anchistrocheline (bythocypridid) soft parts. In the present study, most of the species studied did not fit completely into any described genus; conversely, single species presented characters typical from more than one genus simultaneously, and sometimes also diagnostic of both families of Bairdioidea. For example, the species ? Bairdoppilata labiata presents the enlarged anterior claw on the podomere II of antenna II (typical of the genus Bairdoppilata), but lack the bairdoppilatan hinge denticulation. Additionally, Bythocypris malyutinae sp. nov. and Bythocypris polarsterni sp. nov. present bythocypridid and bairdiid characters (see both remarks on the systematic part of each species). Moreover, the female genitalia and the furca of B. polarsterni sp. nov. are very similar to that of Zabythocypris helicina Maddocks, 1969. Otherwise, both valves of B. polarsterni sp.

nov. present subequal right and left valves (typical of Bythocypris), while the genus Zabythocypris is diagnosed by a left valve very much higher than the right valve. Finally, Bythocypris weddellensis sp. nov., as well, resemble the genus Anchistrocheles in the valve morphology, but the soft parts are typical of the genus Bythocypris.

Since a taxonomic revision of the genera and families of Bairdioidea is beyond the scope of the present publication, each species described herein is assigned to the genus whose diagnosis best fits to the species morphology.