================================================================================ Title: Difference of photometric properties between regular and non-regular Miras in the Magellanic Clouds Authors: Ou J., Ngeow C. ================================================================================ Description of contents: This repository contains the numerical values for all of the features for our data (including the training set) and classification results. The specific files included in this deposit are as follows: ReadMe.txt This Readme file. Feature_table_with_training_data.txt Feature Table with training data Feature_table_with_classify_data.txt Feature table with classify data Classify_result_table.txt Mira Regular/Non-regular machine-learning classification System requirements: The files are formatted according to the machine readable format used by the AAS Journals and CDS/VizieR. Specific information on the structure of MRT files can be found at: AAS: https://journals.aas.org/mrt-overview/ CDS: http://cds.u-strasbg.fr/doc/catstd.htx These files can be read in python using the astropy package: from astropy.table import Table data = Table.read("Classify_result_table.txt", format="ascii.cds") or with the most recent version of TOPCAT (> Version 4.8) Additional comments: The features of training data and classify data were calculated by Python package Feature Analysis for Time Series (FATS), and the result was presented in the file names "Feature_table_with_training_data.txt" and "Feature_table_with_classify_data.txt". Then these two data set were used in our machine learning process. The classification result of Mira was presented in the file "Classify_result_table.txt". ================================================================================