Forficuloecus pilgrimi Guimarães

(Figs. 7–8)

Forficuloecus pilgrimi Guimarães, 1985: 43. Type host: Cyanoramphus novaezelandiae chathamensis Oliver, 1930, the Chatham Island Red-fronted Parakeet.

Male. Tergal setae: II–III, 8–9; IV–VII, 8–11; VIII, 6–9. Tergite IX with well developed lateral plates and narrow median bridge connecting them (Fig. 7). Sternal setae: II, 3–5; III, 4–6; IV–VI, 5–8; VII, 4–6. Genitalia (Fig. 8) with parameres and penis shaped as shown.

Female. Tergal setae: II, 7–9; III, 8–10; IV–VII, 9–11; VIII, 7–10. Sternal setae: II, 2–6; III, 4–7; IV, 6–8; V–VI, 6–7; VII, 4–5.

Material. Ex C. n. novaezelandiae (Sparrman, 1787), NEW ZEALAND: 1 male, 1 female [paratypes of F. pilgrimi] (MONZ), Whitianga, 10 Jan. 1974, J. Smuts-Kennedy. Ex C. n. chathamensis, NEW ZEALAND: 4 males, 4 females [paratypes of F. p i l g r i m i] (MONZ), Chatham Islands, Little Mangere Island, Oct. 1976, N.Z. Wildlife Service; 2 males, 2 females (MONZ), Chatham Islands, South East Island, 10 Feb. 1980, A. Nixon. Ex C. n. hochstetteri (Reischek, 1889), NEW ZEALAND: 1 male [paratype of F. p i l g r i m i] (MONZ), Antipodes Islands, 31 Oct. 1970, N.Z. Wildlife Service; 2 males, 2 females [paratypes of F. p i l - grimi] (MONZ), Antipodes Islands, 4 Dec. 1978, D.S. Horning. Ex C. auriceps (Kuhl, 1820), NEW ZEALAND: 2 males, 3 females (MONZ), Fiordland, Eglinton Valley, 10 Mar. 1980, B. Harcourt. Ex C. forbesi Rothschild, 1893, NEW ZEALAND: 1 male, 1 female (MONZ), Chatham Islands, D. Merton; 1 male, 1 female (MONZ), Chatham Islands, Mangere Island, 6 Dec. 2001, Dept. of Conservation. Ex C. unicolor (Lear, 1831), NEW ZEALAND: 1 male, 1 female [paratypes of F. p i l g r i m i] (MONZ), Antipodes Islands, 28 Feb. 1969, R.T. & B.D. Bell; 2 males, 2 females [paratypes of F. p i l g r i m i] (MONZ), Antipodes Islands, Hut Cove, 27 Nov. 1978, D.S. Horning; 1 male, 1 female (MONZ), Antipodes Islands, 8 Mar. 1985, B.D. Bell. Ex C. malherbi Souancé, 1857, NEW ZEALAND: 2 males, 2 females (MONZ), Lake Sumner Forest Park, Mar. 1981, N.Z. Wildlife Service.

Remarks. The males and females of F. p i l g r i m i are similar to those of F. meinertzhageni, but are separable by features discussed under the latter species.