Parachiton puppis Hull, 1923

(Figure 1 B)

Chresonymy and synonymy in Gowlett-Holmes (1990: 95).

Parachiton puppis Hull 1923: 158, pl. 24, figs 1–5; Joyce 1959: 231; Iredale & McMichael 1962: 28; Kaas & Van Belle 1998: 153; Slieker 2000: 102, pl. 39, fig. 5; Schwabe 2001: 27.

Lepidopleurus puppis; Ashby 1926: 380.

Parachiton verconis Cotton & Weeding 1939: 183, pl. 7, fig. 2 (holotype SAMA D 11689; type locality: South Australia, Nuyts Archipelago, St Francis Island [32 ° 30 ’S 133 ° 17 ’E], not seen); Gowlett-Holmes 1990: 95, fig. 3 C; 2001: 75; Kaas & Van Belle 1998: 196.

Lepidopleurus (Parachiton) verconis; Laghi, Russo & Dell’Angelo 1980: 4.

Lepidopleurus (Parachiton) puppis; Laghi, Russo & Dell’Angelo 1980: 4.

Leptochiton (Parachiton) verconis; Cesari 1987: 13.

Leptochiton (Parachiton) puppis; Gowlett-Holmes 1990: 95, figs 1–3; 1998 a: 179, fig. 3.31; 2001: 75; Kaas & Van Belle 1998: 153.

Locus typicus: Australia, New South Wales, Vaucluse [32 ° 10 ’S 146 ° 32 ’E], Bottle and Glass Point, under stones in sand, or mud below low water mark.

Primary type: Holotype (AMS C. 49540), examined from colour pictures provided by Ian Loch.

Type (s) without name-bearing function: One paratype (AMS C. 149663).

Material examined: UF 297662: 1 adult spm, Viti Levu, Man Friday Resort, 80 km west of Suva [18 ° 10 ’S 177 ° 40 ’E], 0–2 m, fringing reef, freely moving on undersides of rocks, leg. Holthuis, B. & Gustav Paulay, 0 2 February 1989 (BFIJI- 428), wet; ZSM Mol 20062092: 1 valve, Viti Levu, Laucala Bay, west and north side of Nukumbutho Island 18 ° 10.474 'S 178 ° 28.343 'E; extracted from sand, collected in 1 m, leg. Enrico Schwabe, 21 August 2006, dry.

Habitat: The species seems to have the same habitat preference as the preceeding species.

Distribution: Gowlett-Holmes (1990: 96) reported the species from “South-eastern Australia, from Vaucluse, central N.S.W. to Nuyts Archipelago, western S. Aust.” and later (2001: 75) she emphasized that the species is endemic to Australia. Schwabe (2001: 27) showed that the species also occurs in the Samoan Islands.

Remarks: This is the first record of this species from Fiji.