Dolichopus costalis Frey

Dolichopus (Leucodolichopus) costalis Frey, 1915: 20.

Type material. Holotype 3, [Russia: Karelia:] "Kol, Petrosawodsk, 22.6. 1869, J. Sahlb." [FMNH].

Remarks. The species was originally described in the subgenus Leucodolichopus Frey, 1915 (now a synonym of Dolichopus). Examination of the holotype indicates that it belongs to D. latipennis species group (elongate-cylindrical scape with long dense setae, short and broad wing with large stigma and strong curvation of M vein located distinctly before the middle of distal part of this vein, etc.).

Distribution. Dolichopus costalis was described by a single male from environs of Petrozavodsk (Russian Karelia). Later the species was found in Sweden, Finland, Russia (Karelia, Yakutia) and Mongolia (Negrobov 1991; J. Kahanpää unpubl. data).