2. Botanophila kitadakeana Suwa, 1998

Figs. 3, 15– 17.

Botanophila kitadakeana Suwa 1998: 38 (male only?); Suwa 1999: 209 (male only?); Michelsen 2004.

Taxonomic note. Suwa (1998) described this species from males and females from Mt. Kitadake (Honshu, Japan) at 2800–3190m. While Suwa’s original description of the male and line drawings of the male terminalia (figs. 7–11) based on the holotype agree perfectly with my European males, there are significant discrepancies in the female oviscapt according to his photographic illustrations (figs. 12–14) based on two female paratypes. These appear more similar to though not identical with either Botanophila helviana or B. minuta, which makes me conclude they are not conspecific with the male holotype of B. kitadakeana.

Description. Size. Very small, wing length 3.2–3.8mm (n= 46).

Male. Frons at narrowest point distinctly narrower than distance between inner margins of posterior ocelli; frontal vitta at this point slightly wider than combined width of linear parafrontals. Parafacial at narrowest point not quite as wide as postpedicel. Gena in lateral aspect distinctly narrower than postpedicel; genal setae in two irregular rows. Arista barely longer than antenna measured from base of scape to tip of postpedicel; aristomere 3 thickened on basal third. Palp slightly shorter than fore tarsomere 1; prementum about same length as fore tarsomeres 1–2, extensively shiny black on lateral parts. Thorax extensively covered in dark greyish dusting; three narrow darker mesonotal stripes well visible in certain oblique aspects. Presutural acrostichal rows in front closer together than their distance to adjacent dorsocentral rows; middle pair of acrostichals barely enlarged; a few setulae present between rows. Notopleuron frequently with 1–3 accessory setulae besides two notopleural setae. Proepimerals 5–8 setae and setulae. Wing base and calyptrae greyish brown infuscated; knob of halter ochreous, often slightly blackish infuscated. Abdomen relatively short and broad; with a matt dark subshine through thin greyish dusting that in oblique posterior aspects reveals a poorly delimited broad blackish mid-dorsal stripe and laterally tapering bands anteriorly on tergites II–V. Terminalia (Figs. 15, 16): Cerci very similar to those of B. peristeriana (Fig. 25) but surstylus in lateral aspect differs significantly by weakly developed postero-distal lobe.

Female. Parafacial at narrowest point not quite as wide as postpedicel. Gena in lateral aspect distinctly narrower than postpedicel; genal setae in two rows. Arista barely longer than antenna measured from base of scape to tip of postpedicel; aristomere 3 thickened on basal third. Palp about same length as fore tarsomere 1; prementum about same length as fore tarsomeres 1–2, extensively shiny black on lateral parts. Thorax extensively covered in brownish grey dusting; three narrow brownish black stripes visible on mesonotum in certain aspects. Presutural acrostichal rows in front closer together than their distance to adjacent dorsocentral rows; middle pair of acrostichals barely enlarged; 0–3 setulae present between rows. Notopleuron frequently with 1–3 accessory setulae besides two notopleural setae. Proepimerals 1–6 setae and setulae. Wing base and calyptrae greyish brown infuscated; knob of halter pale yellow, often dark greyish infuscated. Abdomen covered in a thin layer of brownish grey dusting, throughout with a strong black subshine. Oviscapt (Fig. 17) characterized by slender tergite VI pieces, slender and lanceolate sternites VI and VII, and cerci concave subapically along outer margin.

Biology. In south-central Norway an early-season species of the subarctic Betula -zone. It was found in numbers in open, sheltered places on calcareous ground with a rich mountain flora.

Material examined. NORWAY [ZMUC, MZUB]: Sør-Trøndelag (inner): Kongsvoll (62.18 N / 09.36E), 900–1100m, 23 males, 21 females 12–20.vi. 1985 (V. Michelsen); Oppdal, Vårstigen (62.20 N / 09.37E), 1000m, 1 female 17.vi. 1967 (A. Løken). RUSSIA [SIZK]: Yakutia [= Sakha]: W. Ust-Lenskij [= W. Lena River Delta] (72 N/ 126 E) 1 male 15.vii. 1989 (A. Tsibulskij). SWEDEN [MZLU]: Jämtland: Storlien (63.19 N / 12.05 E), 750m, 25.vi. 1934 (O. Ringdahl); Vällista [= Välliste] (63.16 N / 13.08 E) 900m, 1 male 22.vi. 1925 (O. Ringdahl).

Distribution. Apparently a Holarctic species with a northern, circumpolar distribution. Described from a high-altitude site (2800–3190m) in Honshu, Japan (Suwa 1998) and subsequently recorded from subarctic to low arctic sites in Norway and Sweden (Michelsen 2004). Newly recorded from the Sakha province of Far East Russia. According to G.C.D. Griffiths (in litt.) it even occurs in northern North America.