Hyadina jinpingensis sp. n.

(Figs. 1–4)

Diagnosis. Wing (Fig. 1) with 3 faint white spots on anterior and posterior sides of posterior crossvein and above anterior crossvein; crossveins distinctly blackened. Cercus short and thick; surstylus with distinct anterior process, and with 1 seta at extreme tip in posterior view (Fig. 2); aedeagus thickened at base and tapered toward to apex in lateral view (Fig. 4).

Material studied. Holotype 3, China, Yunnan, Jinping, Fenshuiling Nature Reserve, 22 ° 47 'N, 103 ° 12 'E, 18.V. 2006, Junhua Zhang leg. Paratypes: 13, 1Ƥ, China, Yunnan, Jinping, Fenshuiling Nature Reserve, 22 ° 47 'N, 103 ° 12 'E, 18.V. 2006, Shan Huo leg.; 13, China, Yunnan, Longling, Xiaoheishan Nature Reserve, 24 ° 35 'N, 98 ° 41 'E, 16.V. 2006, Xingyue Liu leg.

Description. Male. Body length 1.30–1.40 mm, wing length 1.50–1.60 mm.

Head subshiny black; frons subshiny black, with brownish yellow microtomentum. 1 strong inner vertical seta, outer vertical seta absent; 1 pair of strong ocellar setae; fronto-orbital seta absent. Face black with grayish white microtomentum, without conspicuous setae. Gena black with silvery white microtomentum, without conspicuous setae. Antennae black, first flagellomere black dorsally and yellow ventrally; arista short-haired. Gena-to-eye ratio 0.24–0.26.

Thorax black; mesonotum, notopleuron and anepimeron brownish yellow microtomentose; anepisternum, katepisternum and katepmeron grayish white microtomentose; scutellum brownish yellow microtomentose with velvety black lateral margin. Acrostichal and dorsocentral setae small; 1 strong prescutellar seta; anterior notopleural seta absent and posterior notopleural seta large; humeral and posthumeral setae very small; anepisternum with 1 small seta at posterior margin; scutellum with 1 pair of strong apical setae and 1 pair of small haired-like lateral setae. Wing (Fig. 1) yellow, with three white spots on anterior and posterior sides of posterior crossvein and above anterior crossvein; crossveins distinctly blackened. Costal vein ratio 1.05–1.07; M vein ratio 0.37–0.40. Base of fore coxa and entire mid and hind coxae black; femora, tibiae and tarsomeres 4–5 brownish yellow; apex of fore coxa and tarsomeres 1–3 yellow.

Abdomen subshiny brown. Male genitalia (Figs. 2–4). Cercus short and thick; surstylus with distinct anterior process, and with 1 seta at extreme tip in posterior view (Fig. 2); aedeagus thickened at base and tapered toward to apex in lateral view (Fig. 4).

Distribution. China (Yunnan).

Remarks. This new species is distinctly different from H. sauteri Cresson from the Oriental Region by three white spots of the wing and one strong seta inserted at the extreme tip of the surstylus. In H. sauteri, the two faint white spots of the wing are located on the anterior and posterior sides of the posterior crossvein, and the surstylus has 3 setae at its apex. The new species is distinctly different from H. hivaoae (Malloch) from the Oriental Region by the wing with three white spots, and the hypandrium has no setae. In H. hivaoae, the spots of the wing are absent and the hypandrium has 4 long medial setae (Zatwarnicki 1991).

Etymology. The specific epithet, jinpingensis, refers to the type locality Jinping.