Hydroporus lundbergi sp. n.

(Figs 5, 13)

Type locality. Turkey, Rize province, N Sivrikaya, ca. 40.69 N 40.69 E [sic!]; altitude ca. 1900 m (locality 3 in Fig. 13).

Holotype. 3, " TR: Rize. S Ikizdere, 27.V. 1998, Leg. S. Lundberg", " 1900 m ASL, roadside ditch, almost without vegetation", " Holotype, Hydroporus lundbergi sp. n., H. Fery & Ö.K. Erman det. 2009 " [red, printed] (NRMS). Paratype: 1 3, "Ardeşen, Ilica Asm [= Asia minor]", " 7 /[19] 77, leg. F. Schubert", " Hydroporus dobrogeanus Ien., det. Wewalka [19] 78 ", and the respective red paratype label (NMW).

Notes. The type locality is situated between İspir and İkizdere (locality 3 in Fig. 13). The collector S. Lundberg kindly communicated: "There is a high pass (2800 m), where the road is going down to the Black Sea in alpine environment. After some 20 km there is a stream on the left side of the road. The locality is reached when you arrive at some houses where there is a deep cut towards some alpine meadows E of the road." The locality of the paratype is not exactly known, because we have not been able to locate any village with the name Ilica in the region around Ardeşen. Also, inquiries to official administrations gave the result that no village with that name exists in the Ardeşen region. According to MS ENCARTA 2000, however, there exist two villages with that name south of Rize (both about 60 km SW Ardeşen): 40.87 N 40.58 E (locality 1 in Fig. 13) and 40.80 N 40.61 E (locality 2 in Fig. 13, also called Ilicaköy; Köy = village). We assume that Schubert's data are somewhat imprecise and that he collected the specimen in one of these two localities.

Differential diagnosis. Habitus somewhat more elongate than in H. sivrikaya sp. n. (see TL/MW). Pronotal rim almost entirely brownish. Sides of pronotum shaped as in H. cagrankaya sp. n., thus discontinuity between pronotum and elytra perceptible. Punctation on elytra slightly coarser and denser than in H. cagrankaya sp. n., and even slightly coarser than in H. sivrikaya sp. n.; distance between punctures roughly same as their diameter. Ventral side with gula and genae black; prosternal process dark brownish. Femora distinctly darkened, but not so blackish as in H. sivrikaya sp. n. Antennomeres only very indistinctly darkened distally.

Males. Median lobe of aedeagus in ventral view more or less parallel in apical third; apex rather broad, truncate, angles broadly rounded, middle with a weak indention (Fig. 5 a); tip in lateral view rather broad. Notes. The frontal view (Fig. 5 b) of the twisted lobe is given only for this species because in this it is particularly recognisable due to its broad apex. The median lobe in ventral view resembles somewhat that of H. dobrogeanus and H. apenninus (compare Figs 1–7 in Pederzani & Rocchi 2005), or also that of H. erzurumensis (Fig. 5 a in Erman & Fery 2000). However, the sides of the apex are distinctly more rounded in the new species than in those three species.

Females. So far unknown.

Measurements. TL: 3.5–3.6 mm, MW: 1.75–1.8 mm, TL/MW: 2.00, IO/MP: 0.47.

Distribution. So far known only from Sivrikaya (SE of İkizdere) and Ilica, (N of İkizdere) in the Rize province, north-eastern Turkey (localities 1, 2, 3 in Fig. 13).

Derivatio nominis. We name this species after our colleague S. Lundberg (Luleå, Sweden), collector of the holotype (noun in the genitive case).