Cryptochironomus ? ramus var.

Cryptochironomus sp. B Chang et al. 1994: 13.

Material examined. CANADA: Manitoba, Lake Winnipeg records: 3 km off McCreary Island, 1 male, 15.vii. 1969; Gimli Government Wharf, 24.vii. 1969; Beaver Point, 9 males, 7.vii.– 6.viii. 1971; Beaver Creek, 2 males, 22–29.vii. 1971.

Six males from Lake Winnipeg have a lower AR and LR, and are smaller than the other C. ramus. They may represent another species or be merely a variety or form of C. ramus. On an average, their size is 22 % smaller than that found in males of C. ramus. Some measurements are (n= 6): Total length 5.27–6.29, 5.72 mm. Wing length 2.37–2.80, 2.53 mm. Total length/Wing length 2.22–2.48, 2.32.

Head. AR 2.52–2.80, 2.68. Temporals 24 –32, 28. Clypeus with 11 –20, 17 setae. Tentorium 153–173 long.

Thorax. Dorsocentrals 13 –19, 15; prealars 5 –8, 7. Scutellum with 16 –36, 27 setae.

Wing. R 4 + 5 with 12 –17, 14 setae. Squama with 10 –18, 15 setae.

Legs. LR 1–3: 1.31–1.47, 1.40; 0.52–0.56, 0.54; 0.63–0.67, 0.65.

Hypopygium. Gonocoxite 176–200, 190 µm; gonostylus 176–186, 182 µm.