Metopa latimana Hansen, 1888

Metopa latimana Hansen 1888: 92 –93; Stephensen 1931: 184 –185, fig 54; Gurjanova 1951: 428, fig. 270; Lincoln 1979: 186, fig. 84 a–f

Material examined. Morphological examination: ZMUC-CRU 7038 (East Greenland)

This specimen consists today of a head without mouthparts, and of the front of the pereon (gnathopods 1 and 2). The type slide that Stephensen (1931) used, was not found. The parts we examined are identical to the illustrations cited above, and we have not made new illustrations. Hansen only had one specimen (Stephensen, 1931), and we have not found this species in the other musea we have visited so far.