Sylvenomyia fennica sp. n.

(Figs 1 A, 2)

Diagnosis. Males of Sylvenomyia fennica differ from males of Sylvenomyia spinigera, which is a closely similar species, as follows. The hair-shaped translucent sensilla on the antennal flagellum are shorter and fewer. CuA 1 is never traceable. The ventral emargination of the gonocoxites is deep-V-shaped (Fig. 2 B). The gonostylus is more elongate and less curved; the apical claw is more slender (Fig. 2 B). The ejaculatory apodeme bears apically a very large membranous extension (Fig. 2 D). The ventrolateral tegmen margins have a scaly surface that in some specimens is more distinctive than in others (Fig. 2 D).

Distribution and phenology. Sylvenomyia fennica is apparently widespread throughout Finland and, according to our records, penetrates northwards to 67 ° N. Adults were collected exclusively in stands of oldgrowth taiga between late June and late August. Most of the specimens were caught by sweepnet, a few others by Malaise trap. Larvae are unknown.

Etymology. The species epithet refers to the distribution range as currently known.

Types. Holotype. Male, Finland, Ok, Kuhmo, Kieverrysjärvet, 63.46 N / 29.53 E, in mixed taiga (spruce, pine, birch), 17 July 2004, by sweepnet, M. Jaschhof. Paratypes. 1 male, same data as the holotype; 1 male, Finland, Ob, Pudasjärvi, Syöte National Park, 65.46 N / 27.44 E, in mixed taiga (spruce, aspen, birch), 22 July 2004, by sweepnet, M. Jaschhof. The type material of the new species is deposited in the Zoological Museum, University of Helsinki, Finland.

Further material. Finland: 1 male, St, Ikaalinen, Seitseminen National Park, Multiharju, 61.54 N / 23.25 E, 2 July– 24 Aug. 2004, M. & C. Jaschhof; 2 males, Ta, Tammela, Liesjärvi National Park, 60.39 N / 23.54 E, 26 June– 29 Aug. 2004, M. & C. Jaschhof; 1 male, Tb, Saarijärvi, Pyhä-Häkki National Park, E Poikaaho farm, 62.51 N / 25.26 E, 4 July– 22 Aug. 2004, M. & C. Jaschhof; 1 male, Kb, Lieksa, Jongunjoki Nature Reserve, 3 km S Telio, 63.44 N / 29.51 E, 18 July 2004, M. Jaschhof; 1 male, same data as the holotype; 3 males, Ok, Kuhmo, Elimyssalo Nature Reserve, S Viiksimo, 64.14 N / 30.23 E, 18 / 19 July 2004, M. Jaschhof; 1 male, Lk, Kittilä, Pallas-Yllästunturi National Park, S Linkukero, 67.44 N / 24.21 E, 17 / 18 July 2005, M. Jaschhof.