Alloscirtetica Holmberg

The species of Alloscirtetica are distributed exclusively in South America, with known distributional records from Ecuador, Brazil, Peru, Bolivia, Argentina and Chile. This genus is particularly diverse in the latter two countries (Urban 1971; Michener 2007).

The species of Alloscirtetica were reviewed by Urban (1971, 1977, 1982, 1999, 2002), who provided diagnoses, floral and distributional records of all known species. Vivallo (2003) revised the Chilean species of the genus, including diagnoses and a compilation of bionomical information and distributional records of all the species occurring in Chile. Due to the absence of new floral or distributional records, and/or biological data of species present in Chile, it is unnecessary to repeat here the information previously provided by Vivallo (2003). The species of the genus present in Chile are: Alloscirtetica antarctica (Holmberg), A. chilena Urban, A. cinerea Michener, LaBerge & Moure, A. frieseana (Herbst), A. gayi (Spinola), A. gazullai (Ruiz), A. herbsti (Friese), A. lanosa Urban (= A. larocai Urban, new synonymy, see below), A. porteri (Ruiz), A. rufitarsis (Bertoni), A. tristrigata (Spinola), A. vagabunda Vivallo, A. valparadisaea (Herbst) (Vivallo 2003; Urban et al. 2007) and A. weyrauchi Michener, Laberge & Moure.