Pandava ganga sp. nov.

Fig. 99–100

Type material. Holotype female from Mysore, 10 mi North of Belgaum (elev. 800m), Karnataka, India, 15.II. 1962, E. S. Ross and D. Q. Cavagnaro, deposited in CAS (CASENT 9025946) and paratype female from Maharashtra, Bhimashankar (19 º 4 'N, 73 º 32 'N), India, 1–5.II. 1990, V. & B. Roth, deposited in IBSP (156977). Etymology. The specific epithet is a noun in apposition in honor of the Hindu Goddess of the Ganges River.

Diagnosis. Females of Pandava ganga can be distinguished from the remaining species of the genus by the completely membranous median field of the epigynum (Fig. 99) and by the few elongated spermathecae (Fig. 100).

Description. Female (holotype). Coloration: carapace brown, cephalic area, endites, chelicerae and anterior portion of the sternum dark brown. Legs brown. Abdomen beige. Total length 6.56. Carapace 2.81 long; 2.04 wide. Clypeus 0.17 high. Abdomen 4.06 long; 2.84 wide. Eye diameters and interdistances: AME 0.10; ALE 0.15; PME 0.10; PLE 0.13; AME–AME 0.10; AME–ALE 0.16; PME–PME 0.17; PME–PLE 0.30; AME–PME 0.14; ALE–PLE 0.05. Chelicerae 1.27 long. Leg measurements: I: femur 2.35 / patella 1.00/ tibia 2.15 / metatarsus 2.00/ tarsus 0.96 / total 8.46; II: 2.25 / 1.00/ 1.76 / 1.60 / 0.76 / 7.37; III: 1.88 / 0.84 / 1.48 / 1.28 / 0.70 / 6.18; IV: 2.38 / 1.00/ 2.10 / 1.75 / 0.75 / 7.98. Leg formula 1423. Leg spination: femur I and II: p 1 ap; tibia I: v 1 r- 2 ap, p 0-1 - 0-1; II: v 1 r- 1 r or 0-2, p 0-1; III: p 1 ap, r 1 ap; metatarsus I: v 2 - 2 - 1m; p 1 ap, r 1 ap; II: v 2 - 2 - 1m; p 1 ap, r 1 ap; III: v 2 - 2 - 1m, p 0-1 - 2 ap, 1 ap; IV: v 2 - 1 p- 1, p 1 ap, r 1 ap. Distally curved setae on tibia IV. Epigynal rims almost contiguous, resembling a bridge and far from the copulatory openings (Fig. 100).

Male. Unknown.

Variation. Length (4 females): total: 6.56–7.20; carapace 2.81–2.88; femur I: 2.35–2.38. Geographical distribution. Índia: Maharashtra, Orissa and Karnataka. Additional material examined. INDIA. Karnataka. Mysore, 12 mi East of Virajpet (elev. 850m),

24.II. 1962, E. S. Ross, D. Q. Cavagnaro (CASENT 9036898, 1Ψ); Orissa. 8 mi Northwest of Koraput (elev.

775m), 2.II. 1962 (CASENT9025989, 1Ψ).