Ophryotrocha labronica labronica La Greca & Bacci, 1962

Figure 2 A, B, H; 4 D, E; Table 1

Ophryotrocha labronica La Greca & Bacci, 1962: 15, figs 1 –4, 7, 8, 11–16, 18; Pleijel & Eide 1996; Dahlgren et al. 2001; Simonini 2002; Åkesson & Paxton 2005; Heggøy et al. 2007; Simonini et al. 2009; Wiklund et al. 2009. Ophryotrocha labronica labronica: Paxton & Åkesson 2007, figs 5–8.

Material examined. Type material: Neotype (SMNH 6422), cultured from specimens collected in the Bay of Naples (Mergellina harbour) Italy, 1965. Other material: Live cultures from same collection.

Diagnosis. Prostomium with short, ovate antennae, palps absent (Fig. 2 A, B); two eyes medially connected; parapodia uniramous, lacking dorsal and ventral cirri, with dorsal protrusion; supra-acicular simple chaetae and subacicular coarsely serrated falcigers (Fig. 2 H); pygidium with two cirri, pygidial median stylus absent in adults; up to five dorsal median rosette glands on posterior segments in males, up to three in females; anterior edge of mandibles with 25-28 teeth; maxillae with falcate P 1 -forceps, bidentate P 2 -forceps, K-forceps right bidentate, left falcate; gonochoristic; chromosomes 2 n = 6; diameter of eggs 120–130 µm; tubular egg masses; released larvae without parapodia, with long pygidial median stylus (Figs. 4 D, E).

Remarks. For a detailed description see Paxton & Åkesson (2007).

Distribution. Mediterranean and adjacent eastern North Atlantic; South Pacific: Sydney, Australia.

TABLE 1. Comparison between species of the O. labronica group.