Paranarthrura subtilis Hansen, 1913

Hansen (1913): 124-125; plate XII fig 4 a–d. Stephensen (1932): 351.

Lang (1971 b) 373–376; figs 6–7. Bird & Holdich (1989): 158; figs 1g, 9. Brandt (1993): 570.

Guerrero-Kommritz et al (2002): 10. Guerrero-Kommritz (2003): 3.

Larsen (2005): 121, 140.

Identification reference. Hansen (1913), Lang (1971 b), Bird & Holdich (1989).

Distribution records from the AFEN, BIOFAR & BIOICE surveys. Recorded from 26 BIOICE samples, from the Denmark Strait, Greenland-Iceland Rise, Iceland Basin, Iceland Shelf (West), Irminger Basin, and Reykjanes Ridge, at depths 164–1099 m. No records from the AFEN and BIOFAR surveys.

Distribution elsewhere. Davis Strait, 582 m (Hansen 1913); North Feni Ridge to the South Biscay Slope, 1160–1739 m (Bird & Holdich 1989); Kolbeinsey Ridge (north of Iceland), 940 m (Brandt 1993).

Remarks. The record of a single specimen of P. subtilis from 940 m on the Kolbeinsey Ridge (north of Iceland) by Brandt (1993) is the sole example of the Agathotanaidae from this Polar-influenced region. Otherwise, the species has been recorded in the present study where benthic temperatures are in the range 2–5 o C (mode 4 o C). A considerable shallowing of the recorded upper bathymetric is evident, from 582 m to 164 m (on the West Icelandic Shelf).

It is sometimes abundant in samples, with three stations where over one hundred specimens have been collected: 313 specimens in BIOICE Stn 2427 (Iceland Basin, 778 m), 114 specimens in BIOICE Stn 2415 (Iceland Basin, 819 m) and 109 specimens in BIOICE Stn 2873 (Irminger Basin, 555 m).