Ochlesidae Berge, Vader and Coleman, 1998: 242

Type genus. — Ochlesis Stebbing, 1910.

Type species. — Ochlesis innocens Stebbing, 1910

Diagnosis (emended from J. Berge, W. Vader and C. O. Coleman, 1998 with remarks). – Body usually with dorsal keel; head telescoped into pereonit 1; eyes present, round or reniform; antenna 1 and 2 short and stout; lacinia mobilis absent on right mandible, palp 3 -articulate, molar powerful; both labrum an labium usually long and pointed, both almost without setae; maxilla 1 palp uniarticulate (Antarctodius with 2 -articulate palp of maxilla 1), inner plate reduced; uropod 3 outer ramus short.