Draconarius tangi sp. nov.

(Figs 485-492, 550)

Type material: Holotype. ♂, CHINA: Yunnan: Longling County: Nankang (National 320 Road), Yakou, N24° 43717', E98° 46054', 2186 m, October 30, 2003, G. Tang (HNU, CASENT9020426).

Etymology: The specific name is in honour of Guo Tang at HNU who collected the specimen; noun in genitive case.

Diagnosis: Males of this new species can be easily recognized by the broad, distally extending conductor, the broad, slightly bifurcate patellar apophysis, and the slightly spoon-shaped median apophysis (Figs 485-489).

Description: Male (holotype). Medium sized Coelotinae (Fig. 490). Total length 9.15. Dorsal shield of prosoma 4.65 long, 3.26 wide; opisthosoma 4.50 long, 2.96 wide. Anterior eyes subequal in size, largest; PLE slightly smaller, PME slightly smaller than PLE (AME 0.17, ALE 0.17, PME 0.12, PLE 0.14); anterior eyes equally separated by about of their diameter; PME separated from each other by their diameter, from PLE by about 1.5 times PME diameter (AME-AME 0.05, AME-ALE 0.04, PME-PME 0.13, PME-PLE 0.20, AME-PME 0.17) (Fig. 491). Labium slightly longer than wide (L / W =1.08) (Fig. 492). Promargin of chelicera with 3, retromargin with 2 teeth. Palp with a broad, slightly bifurcate patellar apophysis; RTA almost as long as tibia, with distinctly protruding distal end; lateral tibial apophysis large, close to RTA; cymbial furrow short, 1/3 of cymbial length; conductor broad, extending distally, with a small apophysis on dorsal edge, a less developed lamella, and a large dorsal apophysis; median apophysis simple, slightly spoon-shaped; embolus short, more or less broad, prolateral in origin (Figs 485-489).

Female. Unknown.

Distribution: China (Yunnan: Longling) (Fig. 550).