Salomona godeffroyi (Pictet, 1888)

Material examined (12 specimens). Papua New Guinea: East New Britain, Pomio, Nakanai Mts., Lamas, elev. 200 m (5 ° 36 ' 50.7 ''S, 151 ° 24 ' 28.9 ''E), 3–9.iv. 2009, coll. P. Naskrecki— 3 males, 5 nymphs; Palmalmal, Women’s Guest House, elev. 2 m (5 ° 37 ' 47.7 ''S, 151 ° 29 ' 33.3 ''E), 25–26.iv. 2009, coll. P. Naskrecki— 1 male (MCZ); New Ireland— 1 male (holotype) (MHNG); New Britain— 1 male (syntype) (MZPW); New Guinea: coll. A. Müller— 1 female (ZMHB).

Note. This species was recorded stridulating at night (around 20: 30) from low, shrubby vegetation along the coast of the Jacquinot Bay in the village of Palmalmal. The stridulating male was sitting on a branch of a tall bush, about 2 m above the ground; the recording was made from a distance of about 1 m. The call (Figs. 2 A–B) consisted of short, loud syllables (as defined by Ragge, 1990), produced with the frequency of 6 syllables/s at 26 °C; each syllable lasted 0.027 s (± 0.0036, n= 40).