= Dolichopus tibialis Zetterstedt, 1838 nomen oblitum

Description. Zetterstedt (1838: 710).

Type specimens. Mentioned in Grichanov (2006 b: 192), wherein the lectotype (male) and two paralectotypes (females) were designated.

Synonymy. Shortly after his original description in 1838, Zetterstedt (1843) listed D. lepidus as a synonym of D. tibialis. Later, Loew (1857) proposed the synonymy of D. tibialis with D. geniculatus Stannius, 1831, and highlighted the priority of D. lepidus, because the type series of D. tibialis was obviously composed of several species (mixed type series). In any case, based on the designation of the lectotype by Grichanov (2006 b), the synonymy with D. lepidus is fixed.

Material examined. LECTOTYPE male labelled: “ D. tibialis / ɗ. Stensele [Sweden]”; “ Lectotype ɗ/ Des. I. Grichanov. 2004 ”; “ Dolichopus ɗ / lepidus Staeger/ Det. I. Grichanov. 2004 ”; “ ZML. 2009 / 075” (Fig. 1 A). 1 female (paralectotype): “ D. tibialis / &. Tresunda [Sweden]; “ Dolichopus lepidus Staeger & Det. I. Grichanov 2004 ”; “ ZML. 2009 / 076” (Fig. 1 B). 1 female (paralectotype) [no original label except a small slip of blackish paper, also present on the pins of the other two specimens. Specimens collected by Zetterstedt during his excursions to Northern Sweden in 1832 are tagged with these slips of blackish paper (R.

Danielsson, pers. comm.)]; “ Dolichopus &/ lepidus Staeger / Det. I. Grichanov. 2004 ”; “ ZML. 2009 / 077” (all in MZLU).

Type locality. “Hab. in Lapponiae paludosis passim; scilicet ad Stensele et Tresunda...” [Västerbotten County (Sweden)] (Zetterstedt 1838).

= Dolichopus geniculatus Zetterstedt, 1843 : 525 [misidentification] not Stannius, 1831 (Loew 1857: 12).

Remarks. The synonymy with Dolichopus geniculatus Stannius, 1831 was proposed by Loew (op. cit.). However, Wahlberg (1850: 220) had already noticed that Zetterstedt‘s geniculatus was not conspecific with geniculatus Stannius, 1831.

= Dolichopus dissimilipes Zetterstedt, 1843

Description. Zetterstedt (1843: 527).

Synonymy. Ringdahl (1949: 57).

Remarks. Neither in the Zetterstedt collection in MZLU (R. Danielsson, pers. comm.), nor in the Fallén collection in NHRS (B. Viklund, pers. comm.), from where the material for Zetterstedt’s description originated, could type specimens of this species be traced. Without being able to confirm the status of this name through examination of type material, we here agree with Ringdahl (1949) who examined the type specimen “... wovon ich mich bei einer Untersuchung des Typenspecimens in Zetterstedts Sammlung überzeugt habe.” […of what [the synonymy with D. lepidus] I have assured myself by the examination of the type specimen in Zetterstedt's collection.]

Type locality. “Hab. in Scania” [Skåne County (Sweden)] (Zetterstedt 1843).