20. Scoparia ambigualis (Treitschke, 1829)

Hercyna ambigualis Treitschke, 1829: 184. Type locality: Austria.

Scoparia ambigualis (Treitschke, 1829): Guenée, 1854: 420; Caradja, 1925: 336; Klima, 1937: 13; Caradja, 1939: 8; Nuss, 2005: 139.

Scoparia erralis Guenée, 1854: 421. Type locality: unmentioned.

Eudorea atomalis Stainton, 1855: 42. Type locality: Scotland, Great Britain.

Eudorea asphodeliella La Harpe, 1855: 35. Type locality: Valais, Switzerland.

Scoparia ambigualis var. aestiva Speyer, 1867: 251. Type locality: Germany.

Scoparia ambigualis f. taeniatella Teich, 1889: 72. Type locality: Baltic states.

Scoparia ambigualis ab. crossi Bankes, 1909: 58. Type locality: Great Britain.

Scoparia ambigualis var. nigra Hamfelt, 1917: 2. Type locality: Faroe Islands.

Scoparia klinckowstroemi Hamfelt, 1917: 3, figs. 1, 3. Type locality: Faroe Islands.

Distribution. Throughout Europe in the lowlands, absent from northernmost Fennoscandia.

Remarks. Caradja (1925, 1939) recorded S. ambigualis from Guangdong and Shanxi provinces. So far, we were unable to verify the occurrence of this species in China.