Didemnum studeri Hartmeyer, 1911

Didemnum studeri Hartmeyer, 1911: 538. Van Name, 1945: 90. Monniot & Monniot, 1983: 43. Sanamyan & Schories, 2003: 94.

Material examined: Chile, 4. region: Punta de Choros, Isla Danmas, 12m, two colonies.

Remarks. Two colonies tentatively identified here as D. studeri have all characters of this species (including narrow branchial sac with only 5 or 6 stigmata per row and 6 coils of vas deferens) but spicules are distributed mainly in the superficial layer of the test. The specimens are similar to those from Magellan Strait (Sanamyan & Schories, 2003).