Bathypallenopsis tydemani (Loman, 1908)

Pallenopsis tydemani Loman, 1908, 65- 66; Pl. X, figs 139-145.

Pallenopsis (Bathypallenopsis) tydemani caraibica Stock, 1975, 1033– 1036; figs 31 d, 32.

Pallenopsis (Bathypallenopsis) tydemani Bamber & Thurston, 1993, 851- 852, fig. 9. Bamber & Thurston, 1995, 141; fig. 7 E. (Both including synonymy of Pallenopsis (Bathypallenopsis) tydemani carabaica [sic] – lapsus calami).

Pallenopsis (Bathypallenopsis) tydemani tydemani Stock, 1997, 407 (refers to “fig. 8 ”, but no figure 8 exists).

Bathypallenopsis tydemani Bamber, 2010, 188- 189; fig. 218.

Material. Solomon Islands: 5 specimens (MNHN-IU- 2007-4740), station CP2217, 07° 49.3 ’S 157 ° 41.2 ’E, XI 2004, depth 1045–1118 m, NW Isabel. 1 specimen (MNHN-IU- 2007-4741), station CP2250, 07° 29.2 ’S 156 ° 16.7 ’E, XI 2004, depth 845–970 m, Ile Salomon. All Bouchet, Warén & Samedi-IRD coll.

Remarks. Bathypallenopsis tydemani is another widely-recorded deep-sea species, having been collected from the north-east and north-west Atlantic, the Cape Verde Slope, the Caribbean, Indonesia, the Philippines, Japan, and previously in Melanesian waters from the Solomon Islands and Vanuatu. The present records are consistent with its known depth range of 558–3356 m.