Bathypallenopsis guineensis (Stock, 1974)

Pallenopsis (Bathypallenopsis) guineensis Stock, 1974, 1049– 1050; fig. 40. Bamber & Thurston, 1995, 135 (in key), 139. Bathypallenopsis guineensis Bamber, 2010, 176– 177; fig. 212.

Material. Solomon Islands: 1 specimen (MNHN-IU- 2007-4734), station CP2219, 07° 50.3 ’S 157 ° 34.4 ’E, XI 2004, depth 650 – 636 m, New Georgia. 2 specimens (MNHN-IU- 2007-4735), station CP2248, 07° 42.5 ’S 156 ° 24.8 ’E, 0 1 XI 2004, depth 650–673 m, Ile Salomon. All Bouchet, Warén & Samedi-IRD coll.

Remarks. Bathypallenopsis guineensis is a rarely-recorded deep-sea species, known previously only from Gulf of Guinea (type-locality) at 1949–1986 m depth, and in the north-east Atlantic at 1484–4320 m depth (Stock, 1974; Bamber & Thurston, 1995). These first records for the Melanesian region (and indeed the first for the Pacific Ocean) are from shallower waters, at 650– 673 m.