Cercyon (s. str.) marinus Thomson, 1853

(Figs. 21–23)

Cercyon marinus Thomson, 1853: 54. For complete synonymy see Hansen (1999)

Cercyon heilongjiangensis Wu et Pu, 1995 in Jia et al. 1995: 127. Synonymized by Jia (2002).

Type material examined. Cercyon heilongjiangensis: Holotype: 1 3 (SYSU), “Mishan, 26.viii. 1964, leg. De’ai Deng et Shoufa Hou // Holotype, Cercyon heilongjiangensis sp. nov. Pu et Wu, det. Wu Wu”. Paratype: 1 Ƥ (SYSU), “Mishan, 26.viii. 1964, leg. De’ai Deng et Shoufa Hou // Allotype, Cercyon heilongjiangensis sp. nov. Pu et Wu, det. Wu Wu”.

Additional material examined. CHINA: Jilin: 333, 3ƤƤ, Changbaishan, 18-23.iv. 2000 (CASS). Heilongjiang: 46 ex., Mishan, 26.viii. 1964, leg. De’ai Deng et Shoufa Hou (SYSU); 2 ex., Mishan, no other data (SYSU). Inner Mongolia: 1 ex., Hailar, Huhenor, 21-25.vii. 2005, leg. Fenglong Jia (SYSU). Xinjiang: 1 ex., Buerjin, Erqisi river, 7.viii. 2005, leg. Ling Zhao (SYSU).

Taxonomic notes. The type specimens of C. heilongjiangensis correspond well with the European specimens of C. marinus in all diagnostic characters as well as in the morphology of the male genitalia (see Vogt 1971, Smetana 1978 and Hansen 1987). For that reason, we confirm here the synonymy of C. heilongjiangensis with C. marinus proposed by Jia (2002).

Distribution. In China recorded from Heilongjiang, Inner Mongolia and Xinjiang. Outside China widespread throughout the Palearctic (except Northern Africa) and Nearctic regions (Hansen 1999; 2004).