Spiophanes wigleyi Pettibone, 1962

Spiophanes wigleyi Pettibone, 1962: 83 –85, figs 5–6.— Johnson, 1984: 6.11–6.13, figs 6.3–6.4.—Meißner & Hutchings, 2003: 128, figs 1 E, 2 A, G, 8–10.—Meißner, 2005: 61, table 10.

Type locality. George Bank, Massachusetts, USA (40 °09’N, 68 ° 58 ’W), 70–135 m, very fine to coarse sand and gravel.

Type material. Holotype (USNM 30402), paratype (USNM 30401), North Atlantic Ocean (40 º 0.9´N, 68 º 58´W), George Bank, off Massachusetts, in 70–135 m, 22 Aug 1957.

Records. USA: Florida, Alabama, Mississippi, Texas (Johnson 1984).

Remarks. Spiophanes wigleyi is considered a cosmopolitan species (Meißner & Hutchings 2003, Meißner 2005). The records on the Grand Caribbean should be confirmed by comparison with the type material.