Prionospio fallax Söderström, 1920

Prionospio fallax Söderström, 1920: 235 –237, figs 144–145.— Fauvel, 1927: 61, fig. 21.— Foster, 1971 a: 83.— Gobin, 1990: 43.— Bone & Viéitez, 2002: 71.— Sigvaldadóttir & Mackie, 1993: 207 –211, 216, figs 3–5, tables 1–2. Prionospio (Prionospio) fallax.— Johnson, 1984: 6.49–6.50, figs 6.39–6.40.

Type locality. Gullmaren, Islandsberg, Sweden.

Type material. Syntypes (ZMU No. 158 c).

Records. USA: Florida (Foster 1971 a); Alabama (Johnson 1984). Trinidad and Tobago: Oropuche (Gobin 1990). Venezuela: Morrocoy (Bone & Viéitez 2002).

Remarks. The distribution of Prionospio fallax extends from the northeast Atlantic, from northern Scotland to the Mediterranean (Sigvaldadóttir et al. 1993). The identity of the records for the Grand Caribbean as Prionospio fallax is questionable and should be confirmed against the type material.