Prionospio dubia Maciolek, 1985

Prionospio malmgreni var. dubia Day, 1961: 489 –490, fig. 3 J–N.

Prionospio dubia Maciolek, 1985: 336 –339, figs 2–3.

Prionospio (Prionospio) dubia Day, 1961.— Granados-Barba & Solís-Weiss, 1998: 116.

Type locality. South Africa: off south coast (34 º 59´S, 22 º 18´E), 105 m, coarse khaki sand. Material type. Holotype (SAM) see Day (1961).

Records. Mexico: Tabasco and Yucatan (Granados-Barba & Solís-Weiss 1998: 116). Remarks. Prionospio dubia widely recorded: Northwest Atlantic (off Long Island, USA, to Surinam), northeast Atlantic (northern North Sea to Mediterranean), southeast Atlantic (South Africa), off south coast of South Africa, Australia and Japan (Sigvaldadóttir et al. 1993). The identity of specimens from Grand Caribbean should be confirmed against the type material.