Pseudotremia johnholsingeri, n. sp.

Figs. 110–113

Types: Male holotype and two female paratypes from Carter Cave, 6 mi SW of Stickleyville, Lee Co., VIRGINIA, collected 9 August 1977 by John Holsinger. The gonopods, ninth legs of the male, segments and head of the holotype, and genitalia of one of the female paratypes, are mounted on SEM stub WS 24 – 2.

Diagnosis: Pseudotremia johnholsingeri is similar to P. jaculohamatum, but differs in that the VCP is a simple curved spine and the LAPs are longer and curved inward; the ninth legs of the male have a very large basal knob (fig. 113) distal to which is a smaller, ridge-like knob.

Etymology: The species epithet honors the collector, amphipod authority and speleobiologist John Holsinger, of Old Dominion University, Norfolk, Virginia. No one else has collected more animals from caves in Virginia, and likely no one ever will. Suggested vernacular name: Holsinger’s Cave Milliped.

Description: Male holotype about 31 mm long, 2.9 mm wide, third antennal segment 1.75 mm long. Ocelli 19 on each side, pigmented. Segmental shoulders pronounced, both lobes with distinct rims; metazonites moderately rough with low nodules, two or three especially distinct nodules along posterior margin (fig. 111); lateral striae 10– 12, mostly complete (fig. 112). Coloration medium purplish-brown, mottled darker especially anteriorly.

Gonopods (fig. 113) with angiocoxites basally well-separated, converging then diverging distally; MAPs with long, anteriodorsally directed subapical spines, shorter, broader apical spines directed mesally; LAPs moderately long, apically curved inward. Colpocoxites not mitten-shaped, lobular; VCP moderately long, curved, acute. Ninth Legs (fig. 113) typical of pigmented, large species, coxoprefemora with very large basal knob under which the colpocoxites insert, smaller shelf-like knob more distally.

Female similar to male.