Coenagrion lunulatum (Charpentier, 1840)

Agrion lunulatum Charpentier, 1840: 162.

Coenagrion lunulatum: Cnypuc, 1964: 146, 148–149, figs. 67 (8), 69 (2, 7), 70 (3, 13); Mielewczyk, 1974: 267 –268; Haritonov, 1986: 151 –153, figs. 68 (10), 69 (8), 70 (12, 26); Hua, 2000: 8; Dumont (2003): 134 –137, figs. 2–8; Askew, 2004: 75 –76, key; 77–79, figs. 76, 89, 108–109.

Coenagrion vernale: Mielewczyk, 1974: 267 –268; Yang, 1998: 61.

Material. 1 ɗ, 1 Ψ, Hebei, Weichang, Saihanba forestry centre, 1500m, 24 -VII- 1985, Hongguo Sun leg., IOZ(E) 830483 (IZAS); 1 ɗ, same data, IOZ(E) 830474 (IZAS); 1 ɗ, same data, IOZ(E) 830482 (IZAS); 1 ɗ, same data, IOZ(E) 830478 (IZAS); 1 ɗ, same data, IOZ(E) 830475 (IZAS); 1 ɗ, same data, IOZ(E) 830480 (IZAS); 1 ɗ, same data, IOZ(E) 830481 (IZAS); 1 ɗ, same data, IOZ(E) 830479 (IZAS); 1 ɗ, same data, IOZ(E) 830472 (IZAS); 1 ɗ, same data, 22 -VII- 1985, Hongguo Sun leg., IOZ(E) 830469 (IZAS); 1 ɗ, same data, IOZ(E) 830470 (IZAS); 1 ɗ, same data, IOZ(E) 830468 (IZAS); 1 ɗ, same data, IOZ(E) 830467 (IZAS); 1 Ψ, same data, IOZ(E) 830465 (IZAS).

Remarks. Typically, the black marks on the dorsum of S 2 for this species comprise three separated stripes, however we found three of our 13 males to have a continuous U-shape stripe.

Distribution. In China this species occurs in northern Hebei and from north Huhehaote to Manzhouli of Inner Mongolia. It also occurs in Austria, Belgium, Belarus, Switzerland, the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Germany, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Great Britain, Hungary, Ireland, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Latvia, Mongolia, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Romania, Russia, Sweden, Turkey and Ukraine.