Conchapelopia telema Roback

(Fig. 4 E)

Material examined. CANADA: Manitoba, Lake Winnipeg, Grand Rapids Government Wharf, 3 males, 28.vii. 1969; Beaver Point, 5 males, & 6.viii. 1971; Old Fishing Dock, 5 males, 21.vii. 1971; Calder's Dock, 28 males, 6.vii. & 24.viii. 1971.

C. telema was caught in the light traps, from around Grand Rapids in 1969 and from Hecla Island and Beaver Point in 1971. The cibarial pump, tentorium and stipes are illustrated.

Distribution. C. telema is known from the Northwest Territories, Alberta, Manitoba, Ontario, Saskatchewan, Montana, Illinois, Kansas, New York and North Carolina (Roback 1981: 93, Oliver et al. 1990: 11, Epler 2003, Ashe & O’Connor 2009: 150).