Argentinolycus gen. nov.

(Fig. 10; Tables 2−3)

Type species: Phucocoetes variegatus elongatus Smitt, 1898.

A synonymy is found in Gosztonti (1977). Owing to misidentifications (Regan, 1913; Norman, 1937), the first available scientific name in print for this form is Smitt’s (1898: 43) Phucocoetes variegatus effusus. As this name was not used until Anderson and Gosztonyi (1991: 2 in key only), the prevailing usage of elongatus is used here for nomenclatural stability.

The diagnosis given below is taken from the diagnosis and description of Iluocoetes given by Anderson (1994: 61−63), based mainly on a 147 mm SL specimen of Iluocoetes elongatus (CAS 53295), and also from the description of Iluocoetes elongatus by Gosztonyi (1977). Skeletal structures are represented by Anderson (1994): cranium (8, fig. 3 D: dorsal view of neurocranium; 62, fig. 112: left lateral view of neurocranium; fig. 113: bones of left side of head showing suborbital configuration; fig. 114: left splachnocranium and opercular bones), pectoral girdle (62, fig. 115: left pectoral girdle) and caudal skeleton (63, fig. 116: two specimens, 147 and 131 mm SL, both CAS 53297).

Diagnosis. Neurocranium elongate, depressed; parasphenoid wing broad, but without dorsal ramus projecting above ventral base of trigeminofacialis foramen; frontal and parasphenoid articulating; pterosphenoid enlarged; intercalar very small, set posteriorly. Frontal bones separate; frontal corner tapering; parietals meeting in dorsal mid-line; supraoccipital small; supraoccipital and exoccipital narrowly articulating posteriorly; sphenotic excluded from parietal by frontal and pterotic.

Posterior ramus of hyomandibula elongate; palatopterygoid series well developed; ectopterygoid overlap both anterior and dorsal surface of quadrate. Ceratohyal–epihyal juncture with bone interdigitating along its entire length; branchiostegal rays 6. Suborbital bones 7–8, canal with 6 pores. Posttemporal ventral ramus absent; scapular foramen enclosed, scapula with well developed posterior strut; postcleithrum present. Vertebrae asymmetrical, 22–24 + 62–69 = 84–90.

Oral valve well developed; gill slit extending ventrally to slighly below lower end of pectoral-fin base; vertebrae asymmetrical; no interorbital or occipital pores and no commissure across parietals; 6 suborbital pores along ventral ramus (6 +0); two nasal pores; only postorbital pore 4; lateral line mediolateral complete; pyloric caeca absent; pelvic-fin membranes excised at tip; scales, palatine and vomerine teeth present. The character state of other diagnostic features of this genus can be observed in Tables 2 & 3.

Description. A complete description of Argentinolycus elongatus (Smitt, 1898), type species of the new genus, can be found under Iluocoetes elongatus (Smitt, 1898) in Gosztonyi (1977: 215–217); other data are in Gosztonyi (1984, 1988).

Etymology. From Argentina, as the species is known mainly from the Argentine Patagonia, and the Greek lykos (wolf), a commonly used suffix for southern hemisphere zoarcid genera. Gender: masculine.