Eodriloides drygalskii (Michaelsen, 1905)

Microscolex Drygalskii Michaelsen, 1905: 28.

Microscolex drygalskii: Reynolds & Cook 1976: 96

Eodrilus drygalskii: Michaelsen 1907: 141; BMNH.

Acanthodrilus [Eodrilus] drygalskii var. typica: Michaelsen 1913 a: 493. Acanthodrilus (Eodrilus) drygalskii var. castelli: Michaelsen 1913 a: 494. Acanthodrilus (Eodrilus) drygalskii: Michaelsen 1913 b: 48.

Eodrilus drygalskii: Pickford 1937: 151; Reynolds & Cook 1976: 96. Microscolex (Notiodrilus) drygalskii: Hartwich & Killias 1989: 261 = ZMB Verm. Eodriloides drygalskii: Zicsi 1998: 62; Blakemore 2008: 8.

Type locality. WC, ‘Cape Peninsula, Simonstown, under stains’.

Remarks. Pickford’s (1937: 151) systematic assessment of studied material includes the headings ‘ Eodrilus drygalski Michaelsen, 1905 ’, ‘Diagnosis’of the species, and a key to two subspecies and a transitional form. The key is based on differences in the ornamentation of penial setae. After revision of few specimens from Michaelsen’s type material, and study on other specimens newly collected at the type locality, and many other sites, Pickford designated two subspecies: E. drygalskii drygalskii, E. drygalskii castelli, and she recognized the transitional form E. drygalskii drygalskii trans. ad castelli. In this checklist the transitional form is placed under E. drygalskii castelli.