Doratura (Doratura) stylata (Boheman) new record for China

(Figure 2, Plate I: E–H, Plate II: A–C)

Athyanus [sic] stylatus Boheman, 1847: 31.

Doratura stylata, Ribaut, 1952: 300, Figs 787–790, 792 – 794; Kalkandelen, 1974: 92, Plate 43, A–H. Doratura (Doratura) stylata, Emeljanov, 1964: 403, Plate 183: 14–16; Ossiannilsson, 1983: 663, Plate-Fig. 167, Text-Figs 2115–2119.

Material examined. China: Beijing: 2 ƤƤ, Mt. Baihuashan, 04-IX- 1961, coll. Li Fafeng (CAU); Inner Mongolia: 1 Ƥ, Mt. Helanshan, 1967, coll. Ren Guodong (NWAFU); Ningxia: 323, 24 ƤƤ, Mt. Liupanshan, VII- 2008 (NWAFU); Shandong: 1 Ƥ, Laiyang City, Mt. Yishan, 500–800m, 22 -VII- 2001, coll. Qin Daozheng & Liu Zhenjiang (NWAFU); Xinjiang: 1 Ƥ, Yining County, Yili, 2000m, 28 -VII- 2006, coll. Dai Wu & Kang Juxia (NWAFU); 83, 8 ƤƤ, Zhaosu County, Mohemoding, 2000m, 30 -VII- 2006 (NWAFU); 53, 5 ƤƤ, Buerjin County, Hemu, 1400m, 09-VIII- 2006 (NWAFU); 4973, 321 ƤƤ, Qinghe Tree Farm, 1800m, VIII-05- 2006, coll. Dai Wu & Kang Juxia (NWAFU).

Distribution. China (Beijing, Inner Mongolia, Ningxia, Shandong, Xinjiang); Europe (widespread); United Kingdom; Scandinavia; Russia; Baltic Region; United States; Northern Africa; Central Asia; Mongolia; Northern America; Kazakhstan.

Remarks. This species can be distinguished by: 1) tooth on inner surface of apophysis of style easily noticed from above (Fig. 2 C); 2) aedeagus with small papillae on ventral surface as seen under microscope (Fig. 2 E); 3) sternite VII of female usually with posterior margin more or less straight (Plate I: H).