Exocora phoenix new species

Figs. 1 A–E; 2 A–F; 3 A, B; 15 A; 16 A; 17

Types: Holotype 1 ɗ, from Reserva Florestal Morro Grande (23 ° 36 'S, 46 ° 55 'W), Cotia, São Paulo, Brazil, 20 /XII/ 2002, A. A. Nogueira et al. col. (IBSP 131228). Paratypes: 2 ɗ 1 Ψ, from Carrancas (21 º 29 ' 16 ''S; 44 º 38 ' 34 ''W), Minas Gerais, Brazil, X/ 2008, R. A. Zampaulo col. (IBSP 124128); 1 Ψ, from Fragmento Florestal Dito André (23 ° 36 ' 14 ''S; 46 ° 55 ' 8 ''W), Cotia, São Paulo, Brazil, 10 /XII/ 2002, A. A. Nogueira et al. col. (IBSP 131231); 1 ɗ, from Reserva Natural da Serra do Itaqui (25 ° 18 ' 25 ''S; 48 ° 19 ' 44 ''W), Guaraqueçaba, Paraná, Brazil, 18 /IX/ 2007, E.

F. Ramos col. (MCN 45119); 2 Ψ, from Reserva Natural do Rio Cachoeira (25 ° 25 ' 44 ''S; 48 ° 42 ' 43 ''W), Antonina, Paraná, Brazil, 21 /IX/ 2005, H. Höfer col. (MCN 45924).

Etymology: The species name is a noun in apposition and refers to the bird from Greek mythology that rose from its ashes, symbolizing hope. The name alludes to material examined, found after the fire on the collection of Instituto Butantan in May 15, 2010.

Diagnosis: Males of Exocora phoenix n. sp. are distinguished from those of other species in the genus, except from E. proba, by the shape of the lamella characteristica, more rectangular in the proximal part, sinuous and pointed distally, and the shape of the embolic membrane, curved towards the dorsal part, with the proximal part wider and distal part pointed (Figs 1 A–C; 3 A, B). Males are distinguished from E. proba by the distal part of the lamella characteristica, bifid in E. proba (Millidge 1991: figs 190, 191). The females are distinguished by the small median projection in the posterior margin of ventral plate of the epigynum; by having the dorsal plate wider in the posterior region, dividing the atrium medially (Figs 1 D; 15 A), and by the shape of the copulatory ducts, much longer and sinuous than in the other species (Figs 1 E; 16 A).

Description: Male (Holotype IBSP 131228): Total length 2.34. Carapace 1.08 long, 0.9 wide. Orange, with two dorsolateral dark marking. Sternum 0.52 long, 0.62 wide, orange, with dark margins. Clypeus 0.18 high. Chelicerae promargin with two teeth, retromargin with four teeth. Abdomen pale brown, with dark marking and white spots along its surface (Figs 2 A, B). Eyes diameters and interdistances: AME 0.07, ALE 0.11, PME 0.1, PLE 0.11, AME-AME 0.02, PME-PME 0.03, AME-ALE 0.01, PME-PLE 0.04. Eyes, projected anteriorly. Ocular area with bristles (Fig. 2 B). Coxa IV separation 1.22 times their width. Femur I/II/III/IV 1.08 /1.0/ 0.72 / 0.9; patella I 0.36; tibia I 1.1; metatarsus I 1.12; tarsus I 0.62. Legs yellowish, with dark markings on each articles. Tibia I with a thick prolateral macroseta (Fig. 2 C). TmI 0.21. Palpal tibia without apophysis. Protegulum present. Embolic division with small radix. Embolus long and filiform, with posterior origin on the embolic division, curves to ectal side and runs anteriorly, getting into the lamella characteristica, slightly twisted (Figs 1 A–C; 3 A, B).

Female (Paratype IBSP 131231): Total length 2.04. Carapace 0.84 long, 0.64 wide. Sternum 0.44 long, 0.5 wide. Clypeus 0.12 high. Chelicerae promargin with 3 teeth, retromargin with 5 teeth. Color pattern same as male (Figs 2 D, E). Eyes diameter and interdistances: AME 0.07, ALE 0.1, PME 0.09, PLE 0.08, AME-AME 0.01, PME-PME 0.02, AME-ALE 0.02, PME-PLE 0.02. Eyes as in male, with fewer bristles in ocular area (Fig. 2 E). Coxa IV separation 1.14 times their width. Femur I/II/III/IV 0.84 / 0.78 / 0.6 / 0.8; patella I 0.26; tibia I 0.76; metatarsus I 0.74; tarsus I 0.52. Legs as in male. Tibia I prolateral macroseta thinner (Fig. 2 F). TmI 0.19. Epigynum prominent, with median projection on the posterior margin of ventral plate. Spermathecae rounded. Fertilization ducts originating in the dorsal part of the spermathecae and oriented mesally (Figs 1 D, E; 15 A; 16 A).

Variation: Males (n= 10): Total length 1.84–2.12; carapace length 0.84–1.04; carapace width 0.66–0.86; femur I length 0.84–1.06. Females (n= 10): Total length 1.84–2.3; carapace length 0.78–0.94; carapace width 0.64–0.74; femur I length 0.74–0.92.

Distribution: States of Minas Gerais, Espírito Santo, Rio de Janeiro, São Paulo, Paraná and Santa Catarina, in Brazil (Fig. 17).

Material examined (N= 56): BRAZIL, Espírito Santo: Linhares, Floresta Nacional de Goytacazes (19 º 26 '07''S; 40 º 28 ' 36 ''W), 1 Ψ, 26 /X/ 2005, T. Souza et al. col. (IBSP 133404); Rio de Janeiro: Resende, Área de Mata das Indústrias Nucleares do Brasil (22 ° 28 ' 8 ''S; 44 ° 26 ' 49 ''W), 1 Ψ, VIII– IX/ 2007, E. F. Ramos col. (IBSP 120043); Volta Redonda, Floresta da Cicuta (22 ° 31 ' 54 ''S; 44 ° 6 ' 27 ''W), 1 Ψ, 11–18 /VI/ 2001, Equipe Biota col. (IBSP 143777); Pinheiral, Fazenda Santa Helena (22 ° 30 ' 46 ''S; 44 °00'03''W), 1 Ψ, 5–11 /XI/ 1999, A. D. Brescovit et al. col. (IBSP 143791). São Paulo: Cotia, Caucaia do Alto (23 ° 41 ' 19 ''S; 47 °01' 15 ''W), 1 ɗ 1 Ψ, 18–28 /VI/ 2002 (IBSP 143789, 143790) (Fragmento Florestal Beto/Jamil, 23 º 42 ' 57 ”S; 47 º04' 25 ”W), 1 Ψ, 7 /XII/ 2002 (IBSP 131429); (Fragmento Florestal Lacerda, 23 º 42 ' 57 ”S; 47 º06' 52 ”W), 1 Ψ (IBSP 131226); (Fragmento Florestal Lila, 23 º 43 ' 43 ”S; 47 º06' 55 ”W), 1 Ψ (IBSP 131230); (Fragmento Florestal Mioko, 23 º 43 ' 32 ”S; 47 º03' 49 ”W), 1 Ψ (IBSP 131431); (Fragmento Florestal Pedro, 23 º 42 ' 55 ”S; 47 º05' 35 ”W), 1 Ψ (IBSP 131233); (Fragmento Florestal Pedroso, 23 º 44 ' 17 ”S; 47 º04' 25 ”W), 2 Ψ (IBSP 131232); (Reserva Florestal do Morro Grande, 23 ° 36 ' 14 ''S; 46 ° 55 ' 8 ''W), 1 ɗ 2 Ψ, 3 /XII/ 2002, A. A. Nogueira et al. col. (IBSP 131227 – 131229); Cubatão, Área de Preservação da COPEBRÁS (23 ° 53 ' 42 ''S; 46 ° 25 ' 30 ''W), 1 ɗ, XII/ 2008, A. A. Nogueira col. (IBSP 143793); São Paulo, Reservatório Guarapiranga, Parque Ilha dos Eucaliptos (23 ° 44 ' 1 ''S; 46 ° 44 ' 1 ''W), 2 Ψ, 7–13 /IV/ 2005, I. Cizauskas & C. R. M. Garcia col. (IBSP 65880, 65881); Mogi das Cruzes, Biritiba-Uçu, Manuel Ferreira (23 ° 31 ' 22 ''S; 46 ° 11 ' 16 ''W), 1 ɗ, V/ 2001, E. K. Kashimata & R. Martins col. (IBSP 56366); Sorocaba, Universidade Federal de São Carlos, Campus Sorocaba (23 ° 35 '0''S; 47 ° 31 ' 26 ''W), 2 Ψ, 19–25 /XI/ 2008, V. S. Saito & A. Calazans col. (IBSP 143775, 143776); Paraná: Antonina, Reserva Natural do Rio Cachoeira (25 ° 25 ' 44 ''S; 48 ° 42 ' 43 ''W), 2 Ψ, 13–19 /IV/ 2004, H. Höfer et al. col. (IBSP 136222, 143795), 1 ɗ 4 Ψ, IX/ 2005, E. Álvarez et al. col. (IBSP 143780; MCN 45059, 45114); Guaraqueçaba, Reserva Natural da Serra do Itaqui (25 ° 18 ' 25 ''S; 48 ° 19 ' 44 ''W), 1 ɗ, 18 /IX/ 2007, I. Cizauskas col. (IBSP 143774), 1 Ψ, 19 /IX/ 2007, I. Cizauskas col. (IBSP 143773), 2 ɗ 2 Ψ, 20 /IX/ 2007, E. F. Ramos col. (IBSP 143748), 4 Ψ, 20 /IX/ 2007, E. Álvarez col. (IBSP 143749), 4 ɗ 10 Ψ, IX/ 2007, E. F. Ramos et al. col. (IBSP 151672, 151673; MCN 45929); Morretes (25 ° 28 ' 37 ''S; 48 ° 50 ' 2 ''W), 1 ɗ, 28–29 /X/ 1995, A. B. Bonaldo col. (MCN 26957); Santa Catarina: Chapecó, Rio Monte Alegre (27 º 10 '52,07''S; 52 º 46 '42,03''W), 2 Ψ, II/ 2008, R. C. Francisco col. (IBSP 126458, 126459).