Soesilarishius bicrescens sp. nov.

Figs 36, 46–48, 50

Type material: Holotype: male from Parque Nacional da Serra das Confusões, Caracol/Guaribas, Piauí, Brazil, 2– 28.IV. 2007, L.S. Carvalho et al. (MPEG 20294).

Etymology. The specific epithet is a noun in apposition and refers to the pair of semi lunar light marks on the posterior abdomen (Fig. 36).

Diagnosis. Males of this species are very similar to those of S. cearensis sp. nov. by having the same embolus shape, but can be distinguished from those by the stouter, wider embolus (see Figs 49–50). Females are unknown.

Description. Male holotype: Total length: 2.47. Carapace dark brown, 1.14 long, 0.83 wide, 0.59 high (Fig. 36). Ocular quadrangle 0.64 long. Anterior eye row 0.87 wide and posterior 0.73 wide. Chelicera, endite, labium and sternum dark brown. Palp with ventrally curved RTA, globose tegulum and strongly curved, elongate embolus, apparently arising freely at the embolic hematodocha (Figs 46–48). Legs 3142, dark brown, except for metatarsi and tarsi yellow; articles with prolateral and retrolateral faces darker. Length of femur: I 0.66, II 0.52, III 0.71, IV 0.61; patella + tibia: I 0.80, II 0.57, III 0.90, IV 0.71; metatarsus + tarsus: I 0.59, II 0.54, III 0.95, IV 0.71. Spination as in S. cearensis sp. nov. Abdomen dorsally with a pair of light marks on the anterior half and a pair of curved, light marks on the posterior half; light mark over the anal tubercle (Fig. 36). Spinnerets dark brown.

Female. Unknwon.

Distribution. Known only from the State of Piauí, Brazil.