Soesilarishius paxiuba sp. nov.

Figs 19 –20, 25– 28

Type material: Holotype: male from Parque Nacional da Serra do Pardo, São Félix do Xingu, Pará, Brazil, 5.767 ºS, 52.617 ºW, 26.IV. 2012, G.R.S. Ruiz et al. (MPEG 20282). Paratype: 1 female, same data as holotype, MPEG 20283.

Etymology. The specific epithet, a noun in native language in apposition, is the popular name of Socratea exorrhiza (Mart.) H. Wendl., the walking palm tree, very abundant in the type locality. The embolus resembles its aerial root, used by natives as weapon.

Diagnosis. This species is similar to S. aurifrons (Taczanowski) by the shape and insertion of the embolus, which arise on the middle of a soft area on the prolateral side of the bulb (embolic hematodocha), but can be distinguished from that species by the conical proximal tegulum and the embolus, straighter distally (Fig. 25). Females are similar to those of S. micaceus Zhang & Maddison and S. ruizi Zhang & Maddison by the advanced pocket in the epigyne, but differ from those by the enlarged spermathecae (Figs 27–28).

Description. Male holotype: Total length: 2.61. Carapace dark brown, 1.52 long, 1.09 wide, 0.83 high (Fig. 19). Ocular quadrangle 0.83 long. Anterior eye row 1.16 wide and posterior 0.99 wide. Chelicera, endite, labium and sternum light brown. Palp dark brown, with a short and ventrally curved RTA, ovoid tegulum and slightly elongate, straight embolus, arising at the middle of a prolateral, soft area of the bulb (Figs 25–26). Legs 3142, dark brown, except for tarsi I-IV and metatarsi II-IV yellow. Length of femur: I 0.99, II 0.76, III 0.99, IV 0.85; patella + tibia: I 1.09, II 0.83, III 0.99, IV 0.90; metatarsus + tarsus: I 0.76, II 0.68, III 0.99, IV 0.87. Spination as that described for S. lunatus Ruiz. Abdomen dark brown, with anterior border covered with white scales and a pair of light spots on the posterior dorsal half bearing white scales; area over the anal tubercle clear (Fig. 19). Spinnerets yellow.

Female (paratype): Total length: 3.08. Carapace dark brown, 1.52 long, 1.33 wide, 0.78 high (Fig. 20). Ocular quadrangle 0.85 long. Anterior eye row 1.40 wide and posterior 1.23 wide. Chelicera, endite, labium and sternum light brown. Palp light brown. Legs 1432, yellow, except for femora I-IV, patella I and proximal patella IV dark brown. Length of femur: I 1.02, II 0.76, III 0.95, IV 0.90; patella + tibia: I 1.14, II 0.85, III 0.97, IV 0.90; metatarsus + tarsus: I 0.85, II 0.73, III 0.99, IV 1.14. Spination as in male. Abdomen as in male, except for the venter, cream-colored (Fig. 20). Epigyne with advanced, wide pocket, near the round copulatory openings; these are connected by short ducts to very large, kidney-shaped spermathecae; fertilization ducts emerge from their central, anterior portions, near pores of nutritive glands (Figs 27–28). Spinnerets yellow.

Distribution. Known only from the State of Pará, Brazil.

Biological note. Same biology as that described for S. chaplini sp. nov.