Eurycorypha combretoides Hemp, 2013

(Fig. 11 A, B)

Distribution. Tanzania, Rwanda (Hemp et al., 2013).

Habitat. Hemp et al., 2013. Tree savanna, especially on Combretum zeyheri, and on larger solitary trees in the cultivated colline zone at the eastern slopes of Mt Kilimanjaro.

Song. Hemp et al., 2013. Song contains two different types of echemes, a louder and softer one. In the louder echeme a long syllable is followed first by a distinctly shorter one and later by an isolated impulse. Louder and softer echemes are produced in pure or mixed order at intervals of a few seconds. These series (typically 3 to 5 echemes) are separated by intervals of several minutes. However, the louder echemes are rarer and sometimes not heard for many minutes or hours.

Chromosomes: Hemp et al., 2013.

Altitudinal range at Mt Kilimanjaro: 800–1500 m.

Records: 12